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“Gosh, you’re acting like such a child I mean honestly you’re supposed to be going to college and you definitely aren’t acting like it. If you played a sport your sister would be much more supportive of you then you are of her. Netball isn’t ‘boring’ just because you can’t appreciate it for what it is doesn’t make it a bad sport. I’m sure some of the things you like she would find boring too. It’s about putting in the effort for her and showing her that you care about her interests. We’ll while you’re living under my roof you will do what I say and I say you come with me to watch all her games and cheer her on. If you keep up that attitude then I will start making you come to all her trainings as well.  

You’re driving me insane, if you want so badly to not watch her games then fine I will figure something else out for you. No that won’t mean you get to stay home, you hardly leave the house and you need the fresh air. Normally I wouldn’t cave like this but I want to enjoy watching your sister and doing that with you sitting next to me whining like a bratty toddler is making it much harder to do so. I’m going to have a look around at half time and we can find somewhere for you to go. I don’t know where that’s why I’m going to have a look, maybe someone has use for a lazy boy that all he does is eats and poops and plays games all day but I doubt it.”

“Well you don’t get a say in this anymore, you’ve been acting like a baby so I think this is rather suitable don’t you? Another mother heard my quarrel and she told me about this place, she’s a real hero I had no idea what I was going to do with you. It’s just across the street as well; there will be so many activities for you to join in on, much more suitable for your age then watching grown up sports. I don’t care that it’s a child’s day-care; they are more than equipped for dealing with bratty grown up boys who still act like they belong in preschool. I explained our situation to the lady who owns this place and she was more than happy to accommodate you, no extra charge either and you can help clean up too. Maybe you will learn some responsibilities here, but remember you aren’t an employee you’re on the same level as any of the other children who are left here. You have as much authority as they do, which is nothing so you have to listen to the ladies in charge.  

No it isn’t free, I pay for your sister’s netball each year, this is slightly more expensive but thankfully you will only be here once a week. To balance out the costs I think I will just dip in to your allowance; well you were so insistent on not being a part of your sisters netball games that this is where you ended up. I better not get a bad report when I come and pick you up at the end of the game; she’s playing doubles today so you will be here for the next three hours. I expect good news when we’re back, of course she is coming to see you I have to explain why you aren’t there watching with me from the bleachers. I’ll tell her you we’re too immature to watch and understand what was happening and you would much rather be here with the other babies enjoying something more suitable for your age group. I don’t care who she tells or if you’re friends hear about where you will be spending your Saturdays. Maybe if you act really nice toward her she might forgive you and promise not to tell, I guess we will see.”

“Oh my, I definitely wasn’t expecting to return and see this. Aren’t you just an adorable wittle sight to behold. If someone told me this morning that I would find my adult son dressed up in an adorable romper with a very thick padded bottom I don’t think I would have believed them. Notice how I said I wouldn’t completely doubt them, because let’s be real here you definitely are suitable dressed for the age you’ve been acting. The ladies already filled me in on how you ended up dressed this way. Someone thought he was too big to be treated like the other kids didn’t he smockhems. We’ll this is what you get for putting up a fuss during play time, story time and nap time. Three strikes and you’re out, or should I say back ‘in’ to diapers. I’m surprised you let them do this to you, but you have always been a pretty big woos. You’re sister used to always boss you around when you guys were younger even though she’s a few years younger than you. I guess this is exactly what you needed, a firm hand to guide you. 

Your sister won both of her games by the way so next week is the finals for the early season before she gets two weeks off. But don’t worry; you’ve had so much fun here by the looks of it that I will make sure you spend your Saturdays here even when she doesn’t have games on. The ladies explained to me that during the finals they often bring the kids to watch the game’s and they make a big deal out of it dressing the kids up and giving them cute little pom poms to shake around. So it looks like you will be watching her game after all! Now you’re dressed for the occasion, look at the positive side, at least you won’t have to worry about going to the bathroom anymore! I think we might keep you like this, at least until you get a job and move out. But I’m not in a rush for that to happen I definitely prefer having my cute little baby then my big grotty son. Now then, let’s see if you’re diaper needs changing!”



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