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Jennifer Blanch or Mistress Jennifer when she was going by her business name was a professional dominatrix. She had gradually developed an interest in humiliating and emasculating men after the first time she experience control over another person. When her mother left her stepdad for another wealthier man she decided she would stay with him rather then move abroad with some stranger. She hated her mother for leaving and refused to have any contact with her. Gradually she noticed a change in behaviour from her stepdad. Having his wife leave him for another man had left him feeling utterly emasculated. The first time the dynamic changed between them was when she asked him for a large sum of money to put toward a down payment for a new car. Unbelievably he didn’t hesitate before giving her what she wanted even going as to far to say not to worry about paying it back. Over the next two years Jennifer continually pushed the boundary in their relationship. 

Starting off small she would only ask for the occasional sum of money or for him to take over her housework. But over time it eventually got more extreme and perverse. She started asking him to give her massages, cook for her, paint her nails; she relished the control she was beginning to have over him. One time during a particularly intimate back massage she noticed his erection. The next day he didn’t object once as Jennifer locked him in his chastity cage. That was just the first change to his wardrobe, before long he was sporting a maids dress when he was around the house cleaning or cooking. Soon it all became a daily routine, as soon as Jennifer’s stepdad came home for work he would clean himself then step into his maid uniform and start dinner for Jennifer. He would only be allowed to eat once all the cleaning had been done and Jennifer had finished eating. 

Eventually Jennifer’s mother came back home and asked desperately for her forgiveness. Her wealthy lover had grown tired of her and in a similar fashion left her for someone younger and more attractive. Jennifer caved and decided to let her mother live with them, maybe two slaves would be better than one she reasoned. Unfortunately for Jennifer being her mother she had an equally dominating personality to her daughter. As much as she tried she simply couldn’t control her in the way she did her step dad. Her mother was in awe at the snivelling submissive mess Jennifer had turned her ex-husband into and definitely approved of the changes. Like Jennifer she easily adapted and revelled in the control she had over him. She even took it a step further, seemingly missing having another child of her own and growing in age her maternal instincts kicked in. She quickly had Jennifer’s stepdad toddling around the house in diapers and baby clothes. He was banished from his room into the spare room which had been outfitted as a nursery with much larger furniture to accommodate the adult man.  

Eventually Jennifer decided it was time to get a place of her own, she had a decent paying job and a generous allowance from her stepdad. She was going to miss the control she had over him and all the humiliation she subjected him too. Jennifer always thought of herself as the strong and dominating type but seeing her stepdad regressed awoke something else in her. Whenever she was home alone she would take the opportunity to go into her stepdads nursery and try on his clothes and diapers. For some reason the crinkle of the plastic and the soft padded feeling around her waist brought out these crazy wonderful feelings inside of her. She would never let anyone else know about it not wanting to risk losing the relationship dynamic between her and her stepdad. There was also the risk her mother might find out and start treating her like she did him. After a few close calls it played largely into her reasoning to get her own separate place. 

Managing to get a moderately sized home in a nice neighbourhood she wasted no time finding out where her mother had bought the furniture for their nursery and getting another custom made set. She quickly decked out the spare room, painting it pink and installing a crib and change table. She even had a custom rocking horse made. The freedom to be herself was fantastic and she loved dressing up on her days off, spending them joyfully and carefree acting like a little girl. She still couldn’t escape her dominate side and when the opportunity came up to look after her stepdad for a night she jumped on the opportunity. It became a regular routine, once a fortnight her mother would go out partying and would often stay the night at another man’s house. Jennifer was left in charge of her stepdad and it was up to her to make sure she bathed, changed and fed him. She would supervise him while he played with his toys and make sure he was tucked into bed after reading him a story for when her mother came home.

She had to be careful thought sometimes when she didn’t feel her dominating side coming out it was all she could do to stop herself from taping herself into one of his diapers and jumping in his playpen to share in the fun. While Jennifer loved humiliating her stepdad she realised the best part about it was the chase at the start. Turning the once proud man into a simpering little sissy was the best feeling in the world for her and she would do anything to feel that again. Eventually turning to the internet her search quickly came to a few message boards and she realised that there was a high demand for men who wanted a woman to take control of them. She wasn’t interested in dating though she was enjoying freedom being single and doing what she wanted too much to give it up. That’s when she happened upon Ann, also known online as Lady Vixen. After listening to Jennifer’s story she told her that men were eager and willing to pay for the experience of being humiliated. 

It was an incredible revelation and before she knew it she was making so much money that she left her old job and her life as Mistress Jennifer had begun. She started off small only having a couple of clients a week. To start with she took the less extreme ones, guys who just wanted to be feminized or paddled by a school teacher or motherly figure. But as she started taking on more and more requests she decided it was time to share her private nursery. She took on men and even some women who wanted to be forcefully regressed and infantilized. People would pay her upwards of a thousand dollars just to stay the weekend. The best part about it all was there was no touching kissing involved. Although she would often tease her clients relentlessly, talking suggestively towards them kissing their cheeks and moving her hands over their bodies. But she always left them with blue balls refusing to let them relieve themselves as she tormented them. 

Jennifer and Ann grew closer over time and she eventually invited Ann over for dinner and showed her around the house. Jennifer had been taking a break over the past week and decided not to take on any clients. Ann new about this and when Jennifer showed her the nursery she was quick to notice the stale smell of pee and the diaper pail which hadn’t been emptied. She knew Jennifer was a bit of a clean freak so those things combined with the displaced crib sheets brought her to one obvious conclusion. Before she could begin to protest Jennifer found herself on her changing table, crotch freshly powdered with a diaper being tapped onto her. It was Jennifer’s turn to go through all the humiliating and embarrassing acts she would put her clients through. Ann refused to let her do anything for herself and she was made to crawl around the house and babble like a baby. 

Jennifer was unsure if she was delighted or terrified when Ann told her she would be staying the rest of the week to look after Jennifer during her time off. One day she had Jennifer dressed up in a particularly childish paid of overalls with a cute bumblebee motif on the centre. They did nothing to hide the large bulge of her diaper and her pigtails and Velcro shoes completed her babyish ensemble. She then led her outside and buckled her into the back seat and placed a blindfold over her. Jennifer had no idea where Ann was taking her and she fiddled nervously in the backseat until they eventually reached their destination. Still blindfolded she was led outside, she prayed that Ann wasn’t taking her to a public place but her sore red bottom reminded her it was best not to resist. She heard Ann press a doorbell and she grew increasingly as she listened to the footsteps approaching from the other side of the door. As the front door opened Ann removed the blindfold and she found herself face to face with her mother. A large grin spread across her face, it looked like her stepdad was going to have a new playmate. 


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