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“What’s the matter, I don’t care if you have to go to the bathroom you should have thought of that before coming so late. The rest of the team is already out on the pitch training, if you don’t get your ass dressed and out there in the next two minutes you’re off the team. We only train twice a week it’s not like we’re demanding all of your spare time so pick up the slack girl. If we lose our upcoming state qualifiers because you don’t know the routine I’ll strip you of that uniform and you can take the bus home in your underwear. This isn’t some cutesy prep school team this is the real deal and we want to be champions. I won’t let one lazy girl derail our dreams because she is too busy doing her own thing.

Now come on hurry up and get undressed, no I’m not going to leave the room. You’ve wasted enough time already besides its nothing I haven’t seen myself. If you don’t get a move on I’ll dress you myself. Ohhhh… Those are cute; no wonder why you’re so embarrassed. What’s the matter laundry day and those were the only pair in the drawer? Or is that what you normally wear. The day of the week is a nice touch; the colour really helps make those cute little butterflies pop! Although you might want to get mummies help picking out your clothes it’s not Sunday today. I bet she normally dresses you herself but you decided to try and be a big girl and do it all by yourself. Don’t worry your little secret is safe with me. Alright your dressed, good come you better not disappoint me or I might just pull off that skirt in front of the team.”

“Seriously, it’s like you’re doing it on purpose I swear. What was that out there? Do you actually think that performance was even close to our standard it wouldn’t even qualify as mediocre. Don’t you take that tone with me missy I’m your captain. I don’t care if you were too distracted by your bladder, maybe if you go to the potty when you’re supposed too it wouldn’t be a problem. I would have let you use the toilet if you actually rocked up on time like everybody else. Excuses, you always have them don’t you it’s always something with you. What you need is a babysitter you’re obviously not responsible enough to keep track of your own time management. Maybe some diapers too that way you won’t have to worry about having an accident during practice you can just let go whenever you need. 

I was just joking, but you know what since you’re acting like such an immature brat I think it’s time I treated you like one. Get over here NOW take off that uniform that’s only for big girls and you’re acting like a little kid. Good, lie over my knee it’s time someone gave you the discipline you so clearly deserve. If you don’t do what I say right now and get your ass over my lap I will spank you in the other room in front of everyone. I don’t care that they can hear us from the other room, what’s worse if they hear it or see it too. Finally you’re starting to listen. You… SMACK … Will … SMACK … Not … SMACK … Be … SMACK … Late… SMACK … Again … SMACK Or…… Are you pissing yourself?”

“Just look at you, you’re so adorable it’s just precious! This look suites you so much more, let’s be real you were never cut out for this you just aren’t responsible enough. The outfit looks amazing on you, aren’t you excited you’re wearing the shortest skirt on the team. I mean I guess it does show off your diapers underneath but what does a big baby like you care about that. The pig tails and your pacifier everything just works don’t it? Don’t be so glum even a cheerleading team needs their own cheerleader you still play an important role. I swear ever since I put you in your place and treated you like the age you were acting, our teams performance has never been better. I’m not sure if they’re just worried that I might do the same thing to them if they act up or if you’re really just that inspiring. 

What’s wrong? Is your diaper wet? Here let me check…… Don’t be so fussy you’re dry surprisingly. Oh, you need to go? Just do it then, you’re diapers are your potty now, no more worrying about using the bathroom during practice. Your job is to just sit there and look cute and then jump around waving your pom poms to cheer us on after each routine. I seriously don’t have the time to keep checking and changing you between rounds though, I think maybe I should speak to your mum she was always keen to watch your games but you always told her she would be a distraction. Now you don’t have to worry about that, she can come down clean your diapers and change you when needed. I’m sure she will take plenty of photographs of you in your new costume, I’m sure she will agree that it suites you perfectly. I don’t need you to give me her phone number I already have it, doesn’t matter how I got it but maybe you should use a better password then 1 2 3 4. Now say cheese baby girl I need to send a cute photo to your mommy.”



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