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A continued commission for a patron.


“Stop pouting, I have to go to school today and your mother needs someone to babysit you. You’ve spent so long in diapers now that you can’t even tell when you have to go anymore. No, obviously you can’t be allowed to change your own diapers your much to irresponsible for that. Besides I’m being paid to look after you and that’s not a gig that I’m about to give up so willingly. If you’re so humiliated maybe you shouldn’t have failed college in the first place. We’re only half way through your year of regression you still have a long way to go. If I were you I would be on my best behaviour and just put up with it otherwise I will report back to mommy saying you’ve been a bad little boy. I’m sure she would have no trouble extending this indefinitely while you’re living under her roof.

You better behave yourself otherwise you will be getting a spanking to. Just focus on me look into my eyes don’t worry about what everyone around us is doing. We’re outside no one should be watching you getting your dirty bottom changed they should be focusing on getting to class. Maybe I wouldn’t have had to ask to change you during class if you didn’t stinky up the whole room, yes you should be ashamed you could have held it till the end there’s only ten minutes left. Everyone already knew what you were wearing anyway, these juvenile clothes leave nothing to the imagination and you do have a very obvious diaper bulge under your overalls. Everyone’s seen photos and knows how you’re been treated at home too so of course they know you’re too much of a baby to use the toilet like a grown up.”

“Come on baby come sit down here in my lap, that’s a good little boy. I want you to lean here and I’ll feed you your bottle. I don’t care if your embarrassed it’s just us and my friends here they don’t care do you guys? See, if people stare at you as they’re walking past just ignore them, of course people are going to be curious seeing someone your age being treated the way you are. Now just relax and suckle from your bottle there you go. He is pretty sweet isn’t he; you girls should come over and help me babysit him from time to time. His mother pays me really well and it’s much easier getting him to do what I say then it is when I babysit for the Mason’s toddlers and they’re barely 3 and 4!

Are you all finished baby, wow that was quick you must have been thirsty. Here put your head over my shoulder. …pat…pat… There you go, that’s a big burp just let it all out baby. He really does act like a baby doesn’t he, if you guys want you can change him next. Let me check his diaper first and see if he needs it now I only carry so many spare diapers with me. Come on baby stand up so I can unbuckle your overalls. I don’t care if everyone can see your diaper, babies don’t care and so shouldn’t you. Anymore tantrums and fussiness from you and I’ll keep these overalls and you can just walk around in your t-shirt and diaper exposed for the whole campus to see. Hmmmm just a little wet, here you can give him his second bottle maybe it will coax him into wetting so you can change him. You better drink fast baby, if we don’t get you changed before the next class and you wet again during it. This time I’ll change you at the back of the room instead of going outside so I don’t miss anything important.”

“Just be thankful I’m not changing you in the boy’s locker room, the girls don’t see you as a man so they let us change you in here. Well of course they don’t, have you seen what your wearing? It’s also no secret the size of what’s between your legs, let’s be real here you never should have been let out of diapers. It’s only natural you ended up back in them again; some boys are just never ready to grow up and leave into the big scary world. They just need to be kept safe in their cute little overalls and diapers. Here put your pacifier back in that will keep you from whining. See you’re sucking so willingly and putting up absolutely no resistance how could anyone see you as a man? Here, let me pull down these overalls for you so we can get a look at that diaper. Yuck, your absolutely soaked look how low your diaper is drooping. We need to talk to your mommy about getting some plastic pants to keep everything in place this almost leaked! 

Oh hi girls, I’m just changing this little boy’s wet diapers, as you can see he desperately needs a change. Its ok feel free to watch, we are using your change room after all. The coach said no one would mind that some of the students change their babies diapers in here and this little one is no different to them as you’re about to find out. Yeah it’s pretty small isn’t it, I’ve done a lot of babysitting and it’s not really much bigger than theirs. You guys actually have something in common with him too, while you’re swimming around in the water he’s swimming around in his peepee. Hahaha, just look at your cute little face so bashful! Hmmmm, I wonder why you could be blushing, I noticed you staring at his diapers as soon as you came in from training. I also noticed you walking passed us a few times on the quad at lunch earlier. Could it be that little miss want’s to wear diapers too? I have no problem with that come and lie down here on the bench I would love for this little guy to have a cute playmate.” 




cant wait for his new playmate :) loving this story