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  Chapter 12 will be posted later this month, I'm still working on it!

Chapter 11

Elaine held tightly onto Dylan’s arm until finally the flow came to a stop. She had to cover her mouth with her hand to stop her from laughing at the pathetic display before her. Dylan was so beet red in the face he would make any tomato in the world jealous. He finally got the courage to look down and survey the damage. His pants were absolutely drenched through, dark streaks ran down his legs pooling around his shoes. He was momentarily more concerned that he might have ruined the carpet and what Elaine’s reaction might be, rather than the state of his trousers. He looked up and met eyes with Elaine; she didn’t seem to care about the carpet and had a rather smug, condescending look about her.  Clearly she was impressed with herself at her ability to so easily manipulate the man who stood before her. There were no words said, Elaine simply held her hand outstretched for Dylan to take it. He hesitated merely for a second before meekly reaching out and grasping it, following behind her as he was led back to the living room.

When they reached the living room Elaine loudly announced their arrival.

“It turns out we should have sat Dylan on the potty after all.” 

Everyone turned to see Elaine pulling Dylan into the room his pants clearly soaked. No one was laughing, this time everyone looked at him with disbelief.

“Oh Dylan, you didn’t.” Melony said, clearly disappointed in her boyfriend’s lack of maturity.

Dom didn’t offer any comment simply shaking his head in disgust, Cheryl was quick to react and walked over to Dylan to inspect him closer. 

“Dylan these are soaked you can’t stay in them, I hope you didn’t get any on Elaine’s carpet.” 

“He did unfortunately; I need to go clean it before any permanent damage is done. I just brought him back here first so someone else can help him get changed.” Elaine said. 

“I don’t suppose you brought him a change of clothes Melony? I don’t think Dom would want him wearing his in case he has another accident.” 

“Sorry, I don’t let pants wetting little boys borrow my pants.” Dom remarked. 

“After everything that happened today you would have thought I knew better than to let him out of diapers, I guess that’s on me.” 

Dylan looked toward Melony, hoping to find some small look of sympathy on her face. As usual her expression was almost impossible to read. He couldn’t tell if she was angry, disappointed or if she expected something like this to happen, or maybe it was a mix of all three. After everything that happened today he didn’t think he could sink any lower, yet here he stood in a stranger’s living room in wet pants being chastised by everyone. 

“Elaine I don’t suppose you have any more of those diapers and a place I could clean up Dylan” Cheryl asked. 

“Of course, come with me and I will show you where you can get poor little Dylan cleaned up.” 

Dylan took one last look at Melony hoping that maybe she would step in and rescue him. Instead she brushed her hand toward him, encouraging him to go with Cheryl and Elaine. He followed them both down the hall making sure to step around the wet patch in the carpet, the one he made. Elaine led them into the nursery of her youngest child. The room was dominated by the crib and changing table, a rocking chair, dresser and a bunch of childish toys also adorned the room. The wallpaper was sky blue trimmed in white with various teddy bear motifs drawn across it. The furnishing was definitely sized for a baby or small child and thankfully for Dylan he wouldn’t fit in any of it.

“You can get him changed in here; just drop his wet clothes in the basket. I keep the nursing diapers in the spare room I’ll run and get them, help yourself to anything from the changing table.” Elaine said before leaving the room.

Cheryl wasted no time getting Dylan undressed pulling off his wet clothes; she followed Elaine’s advice and disposed of them in the basket. Much like the rest of the day Dylan didn’t resist allowing his mother to fully undress him before he stood before her completely naked. She draped a towel on the fluffy carpet below them and gently pulled Dylan so that he lay down on top of it. Helping herself to the tub of baby wipes, she then kneeled down between Dylan’s legs and started to wipe him clean. Dylan inwardly cringed as his mother bought the cool wipe between his legs and wiped his most sensitive parts. He flinched at the cool touch, Cheryl responded by cooing and telling him to ‘just relax.’ As she finished wiping him down, Elaine re-entered the room carrying the same disposable diaper Dylan had worn earlier and what appeared to be a pair of white translucent plastic pants. 

Elaine handed the diaper to Cheryl who unravelled it and signalled for Dylan to lift his bottom. Elaine stood back behind Cheryl looking down at Dylan she made eye contact and smiled at him deviously. She watched on with amusement and satisfaction as Dylan sat his bottom down onto the soft crinkly diaper. Cheryl squirted some cream onto her hands and started rubbing it on the inside his legs and over his crotch and bottom. Dylan squirmed against the cool cream.

“You’re such a fussy boy Dylan, stop squirming it will be over soon.” Cheryl cooed.

She then proceeded to sprinkle a very liberal amount of baby powder over his bottom and crotch. With a mothers touch she gently patted it into his skin before pulling the front of the diaper over Dylan. She fastened the four tapes securely taping him into his crinkly underwear. She toyed about with his diaper adjusting the edges and squeezed the front feeling around his crotch.

“Elaine, I don’t suppose I could have another one, Dylan just seems to be a heavy wetter and I want to make sure he won’t leak.” 

Elaine nodded and walked off quickly returning with another diaper in hand. She handed it to Cheryl who signalled again for Dylan to lift up, repeating the process she quickly had Dylan sealed inside a second diaper. If Dylan’s legs weren’t already pushed apart enough at this point she then eased the pair of plastic pants over his diaper ensuring a snug fit.

“Well don’t leave us hanging, how does that feel sweetie?” Cheryl asked Dylan expectantly. 

He struggled to sit upright with the thick bulk around his waist. Eventually he managed to do so unassisted and sat up, he poked and prodded his diaper a few times.

“Go on Dylan; give us a shuffle I want to make sure it stays on right.” Cheryl asked him.

Dylan sat on the spot and moved around wiggling his bottom causing it to crinkle loudly. Elaine chuckled first then both women burst out laughing at him. Dylan was mortified this had been the worst day of his life; he finally couldn’t take the humiliation anymore and burst out crying. With a mothers instinct Cheryl quickly moved over to Dylan, sitting behind him she adjusted the crying boy so he was lying in her lap with his back cradled in her arm. 

“Shhhhhh, its ok baby there’s no need to cry I know you’ve had a tough day today. It’s hard being a big boy sometimes none of us think anything less of you we all love you very much Dylan.” 

At some point Elaine must have handed Cheryl a pacifier because she carefully eased it into Dylan’s lips. He didn’t react and began sucking almost immediately. The last thing he heard was Cheryl cooing at him, repeatedly referring to him as her baby as she gently rocked him in her arms he closed his eyes and quickly fell asleep. 



loving this story aliot :)