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An anonymous patron request


“Hey baby, sorry to interrupt your play time you looked so sweet playing with your blocks. Just think a month ago you were sitting at home on your computer wearing your big boy clothes. If only you spent that time studying and doing homework instead of playing games all day and night. Maybe if you did that then you wouldn’t have failed your first year at college. Instead you’re spending the next year living as my wittle baby again. After you’ve experienced what it’s like hopefully that will knock some sense into you so you do better when you repeat the first year. If not, well to be honest I don’t mind having a baby to look after again, even if it is a big one. 

Setting up this nursery cost a small fortune so don’t think even if you behave yourself like a little angel I’ll not go through with the full year punishment. So, the reason why I came up here to see you is my girlfriends have invited me out for ladies night. I’ve spent all my days looking after you, thankfully my job lets me work from home so I can keep an eye on you but I could definitely use a break. That’s why I have hired a babysitter for you, don’t worry I wouldn’t want to embarrass you too much that’s why I hired the same girl you did your college assignment with. So what if she’s the same age as you, I thought you were both friends I didn’t realize you were assigned partners. Doesn’t matter, she’s a good influence on you that assignment was your only ‘A’ for the whole year. You better be on your best behaviour for her otherwise this treatment will be going much longer than a year.”

“Wow, so it is true! I honestly didn’t believe it when your mummy called me up and told me the full story. I was like, what man would let someone turn him into a baby again, but I guess you’re not really a man huh? Some boys just never grow up I suppose. I can’t believe you have to spend a whole year like this; it’s only been a month too so eleven more to go. I can’t say I’m really looking forward to changing your dirty diapers but I guess that’s part of being a babysitter. Your mothers paying me very well too so I promised her I would do a good job. I guess I just treat you like I treat any other kids I babysit, although most of them are to mature to have their diapers changed and just sit around and play blocks all day.

How about we go see a movie? It will be great fun, I get to pick though. You don’t want to be seen in public? Look, I’m not a horrible person I will at least let you cover up. But you’re definitely wearing that onesie and diaper under your clothes. I’ll pack a changing bag too, what do we need. Powder, wipes, your pacifier, and of course we can’t forget the most important part, your diapers! Wow, these look exactly like babies diapers I didn’t think they made them in your size. They’re so thick too; I bet you look so cute when you waddle around the room in these. Ok I think we’re all set, I should probably check you before we leave. Hahaha, you’re soaked! I guess that’s to be expected, let’s get you out of this wet diaper and into a thicker one!”

“Oh hey Kara what are you doing here? Oh, you’re here with your boyfriend and niece that’s sweet! What movie are you guys seeing? You know what, we were going to see something more grown up but that will be perfect for him. Who is he? He’s my charge for the night I’m babysitting him. You thought he was my boyfriend? Fat chance of that, he’s much too immature to be dating anyone. I’m serious he’s just a big baby, that reminds me we should probably check you before we go inside the theatre. Just stand still don’t be fussy I’ll just pull your shorts down and undo your onesie. Looks like your dry, oh wait I spoke to soon. Wow, it doesn’t look like there’s an end to it, see I told you he’s a big baby who can’t control himself. Do you mind buying our tickets while I get him changed thanks a bunch. 

What’s the matter, did I embarrass you? Well you deserved it; don’t think I’ve forgotten how you made me do most of the assignment. It’s probably a good thing I did to be honest or we would have failed but you didn’t even attempt to help. It’s only fitting that if I was in charge of our assignment that I’m in charge of changing your wet diapers. You really did a number on this thing huh. Stop wriggling I don’t want to miss the start of the movie. You can sit next to me, Kara and her boyfriend shouldn’t tease you too much but even her sister isn’t in diapers. How does it feel having lying on the changing table in the parents bathroom having your dirty diaper changed by your babysitter before we go and see a film for babies and little kids! If you behave yourself maybe next time I’ll go easier on you, yes your mother has already promised me that if I do a good job she will be bringing me back, so you will be seeing me a lot more from now on!”



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