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Chapters 1 and 2 of a new story, this one won't be as long as The Picnic Baby, maybe around 6-8 chapters.


Finally an Adult


Rachel was ecstatic, her best friend Mandy turned 21 today which meant finally they were both legal age and could go out drinking. Rachel had made a promise not to go without Mandy so the extra few weeks waiting for her friend’s birthday almost drove her mad. The club they settled on for their first night out was having a special pyjamas only event; so it would give them both a chance to wear their cute new full bodied animal onesies together for the first time. It also felt like a fitting send off to their childhood a night in town dressed in juvenile pyjamas, a chance to say goodbye to being kids and hello to being adults. This night was going to be perfect; Rachel thought to herself as she stood in front of her bedroom mirror in only a towel putting the last finishing touches on her makeup. A knock on her door interrupted her thoughts.

“Come in.” She called out.

Rachel’s mother entered the room cradling a bundle of clothes between her arms. 

“Hi Sweetie, looks like your almost ready for your first night on the town.” Rachel’s mother said cheerfully.

“Yeah mom I can't believe it; no more treating me like a kid anymore!” Rachel notices the bundle in her mother’s arms. “Oh, you brought my onesie in for me thanks.” She said putting her makeup down on the dresser.

“You’re welcome dear; I just had to give it a quick wash before you could wear it.” Rachel’s mother said, suddenly looking slightly guilty about something.

Rachel grabbed hold of the onesie letting it unravel in front of her; revealing the cute black and white zebra costume with a black mane on the hood and a cute bushy tail attached to the rear. She looked back at her mother who is kneading something crinkly between her hands. It suddenly registered what her mother is holding.

“Ahhhh mum, why do you have a diaper with you?” Rachel asked. 

“Because Rachel this is for you; I don’t want you to have to worry about having an accident while you’re out partying tonight and this isn’t a diaper it’s a pull up.” Her mother said correcting her.

“I haven’t needed to wear those since I was a child and I still wet the bed why would I need one now.” A stunned Rachel replied.

“I think you know why sweetheart; remember what happened last time you drank alcohol.” Her mother said.

She was referring back to an incident when Rachel had barely turned 18. She had come home crying in wet pants after she overdid it trying alcohol at a friend’s party for the first time. The only reason Rachel wasn’t grounded for a million years was that she swore she would never touch a drop again until she turned twenty one; which happened to be one of the reasons why she was so excited for tonight. It will be her first chance to drink alcohol again after keeping her promise to her mother these past few years.

“That was different mum, it was the first time I ever drank alcohol and I was only 18 at the time.” Rachel explained.

“Exactly!” Rachel’s mum said triumphantly. “That means that this is only going to be the second time you’ve ever drunk alcohol and we both know that you’re not planning to go easy on the stuff tonight.”

Rachel looked back at her mum shocked that she would even consider making her do this. 

Rachel’s mum continued. “Trust me baby, I only want what’s best for you I promise no one will notice; these are thin that’s why I got the more juvenile one’s for you so they would be less noticeable.”

Rachel took the time to look properly at the pink pull up, focusing her attention to the smiling princess motif on the front and the flowers around the crotch.

“Well what’s to stop me from taking it off as soon as we get there?” Rachel argued.

“That’s why I expect a photo from you at 10pm and another one at midnight so I know you’re still wearing it. Otherwise it tells me that you can’t be trusted and for as long as you are living under my roof after tonight there will be no more clubs and no more alcohol. Do I make myself clear young lady?” Rachel’s mother said sternly.

“But how do you expect me to take a photo? I can’t get undressed in the bathroom someone will walk in and see me.” Rachel whined.

Rachel’s mother grabbed the onesie off her daughter and turned it around. 

“Look, I’ve already thought of that; I cut out a flap for your bottom and I attached it together with some Velcro so if you need to rush to the toilet you don’t have to worry about having an accident in your onesie. It’s also great if you want to wear this again during the winter. You won’t have to worry about getting cold while you’re sitting on the toilet. So when it’s time to take a photo just drop the flap, face the mirror in the bathroom take a quick photo and reattach the Velcro. It’s perfect; you just need to wait for the bathroom to be empty.” 

She put the onesie back down on the bed and looked at Rachel expectantly.

“Now, if that’s everything we need to get you into your pull up your friends will be here soon.” 

She held the pull up open waiting for Rachel to step in; who quickly backed away from her mother. “It’s bad enough your making me wear that; I can put it on myself I’m not a BABY!” Rachel shouted.

“I’ve had enough of this temper tantrum missy; I need to put this on you so I can make sure it’s on properly. If you put it on yourself you might rip it or bunch it up somewhere so that it leaks. Is that what you want because I don’t think it is? Now if you don’t start to cooperate you can find your own way to the club and you can spend all your birthday money on a taxi home; instead of having me graciously pick you up at some ungodly hour because I’m a good mother.”

Rachel stamped her foot in frustration, she saw the serious look on her mother’s face and decided she isn’t game enough to challenger her again. So she stood their begrudgingly refusing to move her gaze from the floor.

“Are you going to cooperate now?” Rachel’s mother asked sternly.

Rachel nodded and let her mother pull the towel away from her body. She quickly moved her arms to cover her chest and stood motionless as her mother held open the pull up.

“Come on Rachel, we haven’t got all night.” Her mother said impatiently.

Rachel shamefully lowered her arms from her chest and used her mother’s shoulders for support as she stuck her legs into the pull up. Her mother knelt down to pull her new underwear up her daughter’s legs. Rachel noticed her reflection in the mirror. Tonight wasn’t supposed to be like this she thought to herself as she watched the pull up pulled snuggly up her legs. Rachel’s mum fiddled with the elastic around the edges before standing back to admire her handy work. 

“Now, do you need help getting in your onesie sweetie or do you think you can be a big girl and handle that yourself?” 

Rachel glared back at her mother. “I can handle it.” She snarled doing her best to hold back her temper.

“I’ll leave you to finish getting dressed then.” Rachel’s mother said before leaving the room.

She stopped to take a quick look back at her daughter as she closed the door. 

She watched her daughter as she stood there in only her pull up. The sight started to bring back fond memories of when she was much younger and dependable on her. How time changes, she thought to herself and let out a sigh as she pulled the door closed. She walked back to the living room to await Rachel and reminisce on the past.


Rachel stared at her reflection in the mirror; seeing her reflection, standing there in only the childish pull up came close to bringing her to tears. She did her best to calm herself; the last thing she needs is to ruin her makeup she spent the last hour putting on. She started pulling the onesie one to cover her new embarrassing underwear. She pulled the hood up and over her head, tugging on the strings to tighten the suit. She pushed her rear out toward the mirror. At least her mum was right; thankfully no one should notice what she was wearing. She rubbed her hands across her backside and felt the plastic crinkle; making a mental note not to let anyone dance up against her in case they discovered her embarrassing secret.

Fortunately she wasn’t planning on hooking up with anyone tonight; this was just a night to spend with her girlfriends. It wasn’t like she had no interest in boys she just wasn’t ready to start dating yet. If the right guy came along then possibly, but she highly doubted she would find someone at a club. Finally satisfied with her appearance and no longer concerned that someone would notice her pull up; Rachel made her way to the living room. As she approached the living room she saw her friend Mandy had already arrived and was speaking to her mum. Mandy was dressed in a similar onesie to Rachel except hers was a lion. She looked a bit shocked by the conversation but listened to Rachel’s mother intently. Her attention was quickly pulled to Rachel as she entered the room. 

“Hey Rach, wow that looks great on you!” Mandy said enthusiastically. 

“Awwww, don’t you girls look precious, I’m just going to go and grab the camera quickly then we can head off.” Rachel’s mother said before she ran off to her bedroom.

“What were you guys talking about?” Rachel said sceptically.

“N….Nothing important, she just wanted me to make sure I would keep an eye on you and make sure that you don’t go overboard drinking.” Mandy replied.

Unconvinced Rachel proceeded with her interrogation.

“So that was it, she didn’t say anything else.” Rachel said.

“Nope, just normal concerned mum stuff like mine told me before I left. Why was there something going on she wasn’t supposed to tell me.” Mandy told Rachel, attempting to reflect the question.

“No, just making sure; you know how my mum gets.” Rachel replied awkwardly dropping the subject.

That moment Rachel’s mother re-entered the room holding an expensive looking camera around her neck.

“Ok girls, this will only take a moment then we can head off.” 

The girls stood side by side in their onesies as Rachel’s mother proceeded to take a ridiculous amount of photos. For the last photo she coaxes the girls into a hug. As they held their arms around each other’s waist Rachel felt a bead of sweat drop down her forehead. Mandy’s arm was dangerously close to the edge of her pull up. It felt like her hand was moving downward and was now definitely pressed up against the plastic edge. If her hand moved any lower there was no doubt that Mandy would recognise what she was wearing. Finally she saw her mother take the photo and she quickly moved away before her secret could be discovered.

“Alright that should do it.” Rachel’s mother announced.

Rachel did her best not to look Mandy in the eyes. Afraid she would see the worried look on her face and ask why she pulled away so suddenly. The two girls followed Rachel’s mother to the family car parked on the driveway. As Rachel stepped into the front seat she could have sworn that she saw Mandy trying to get a better look at her backside from the side mirror. It’s was probably her imagination she hoped. Her mother wouldn’t tell Mandy about her padded underwear, what reason would she have to? But after forcing her into the pull up in the first place she wasn’t sure how far her mother would go to ensure that she wouldn’t try and remove it. The car took off and after a short, uneventful drive they found themselves near the entrance to the club. 

Rachel insisted that her mother park further up the street to avoid any embarrassment at being seen having her mother drop them off. Thankfully her mother didn’t press the issue and drove up to the next block allowing the girls to jump out.

‘Thank you,’ both girls said as they left the car.

Rachel felt a tug on her arm pulling her back to her seat.

“Don’t forget your promise to me.” Rachel’s mother reminded her.

She gave her a pat on her crinkly bottom as she stepped out. Mandy looked at her quizzicly but didn’t say anything. Rachel prayed that she hadn’t heard the crinkle. As the car drove off the girls waved goodbye and started walking toward the club.

“What was that all about?” Mandy asked. 

“N..Nothing, just my mum freaking out again.”

The two girls walked down the footpath and made their way to the back of the line past the droves of partygoers. Almost everyone had dressed up for the night’s theme and it turned out they weren’t the only ones who had decided to dress up as animals. A group of older girls dressed the same as them but in much heavier make up eyed them down and chuckled to themselves. 

“Just ignore them.” Mandy said pulling Rachel away.

Rachel couldn’t help but look back and found herself making eye contact with one of the girls who was dressed in an identical onesie to her own. She suddenly felt very uneasy; thankfully it was a big club so they shouldn’t have to worry about running into them. Mandy got a text and told Rachel that the rest of their group had arrived early and were waiting inside. The line moved reasonably fast considering how many people were waiting when they arrived. When they reached the front Mandy was the first to show her identification to the bouncer. He let her in almost immediately; when it was Rachel’s turn however his eyes lingered from her to her ID several times before finally letting her past. She found Mandy waiting for her by the entrance. 

“For a moment there I thought he might not let you in, maybe he thought you looked to young, I told you to use more make up.” Mandy sniggered.

Rachel felt a bit rattled but she wasn’t going to let it bother her, here she was in a club for the first time. Finally she was considered an adult no more being treated like a kid anymore. Reality came crashing down when Mandy gave her a pat on her crinkly backside.

“Come on then let’s go get drunk, unless you need to use the potty first?”


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