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Hello Patrons! I'm back from Retro World Expo. It was great seeing some of you at the convention. Thanks for stopping by and saying hello.

I didn't pick anything up for myself at the convention. But I did get a gift for my brother - a signed print of the TMNT II: Arcade Game box art! The artist, Steve Lavigne, was at the convention. My brother absolutely loved this game, so I thought it would make a good Xmas present. 

I got back Sunday night and I took Monday off to recover. I also did some thinking while sitting around at the airport. I've always wanted to experiment with a 4-day work week. So I'll be trying it out. My new schedule is to work Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. I'll take Wednesday off as a break in the middle of the week. My wife also records her podcast on that day, so it works out. 

Anyway, let's get back to this Sharp SF1 video!

Tuesday, August 30th

With my new schedule, I'm working 10-hour days. And I got a lot done today! I had to catch up on work stuff after being gone for a few days. But I also finished all the b-roll filming for the SF1 video! 

All that is left is to adjust some pacing in the narration and add some music. I'm hoping for a Thursday release on Patreon.

Thursday, September 1st

Holy cow, is it September already? I had an eye exam today because I need a new pair of glasses. To the surprise of no one, my eyes got slightly worse. 

Today I finished the SF1 video and released it to you fine folks on Patreon! I hope you enjoy it. A few people have pointed out some minor things that I intend to fix for the final version. I'll get that done tomorrow before I send it off for audio mixing. 

Friday, September 2nd

Lots of stuff going on today!

For starters, the age-restriction on the Light Gun video has been lifted! As one user guessed last week, the section YouTube did not like was about "Chiller," which contains some gratuitous violence. However, someone at YouTube manually removed the video and decided the video provided enough context to make it suitable for all viewers. 

I also uploaded a new commentary video today for the $7+ tiers. This month, I cover part 2 of the Sonic the Hedgehog series. Look how young I look! I had not watched this video in about 10 years, and it was quite a trip!

Thank you all for the feedback on the Sharp SF1 video! I sent the final version over to Proximity Sound for mixing. I expect the video to go live on YouTube in 1 week.

Next week, I dive back in to Super Mario Kart and I won't be stopping until the video is D-O-N-E. Have a great weekend!

- Norm


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