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Hello Patrons! I hope everyone had a great Memorial Day weekend. Mine was mostly uneventful. I mowed the lawn, fixed a few things around the house, etc. But sometimes those uneventful weekends are the best weekends. With the holiday over, it's time to get back to videos!

Tuesday, May 31st

This morning, I sat down and read over the Microsoft script one more time to make sure it was good to go before Kristin looked it over. 

In the afternoon, I recorded a new commentary for Grad Assistants and Professors. And it's a good one! Back in 2009, I actually made a video about Super Mario Bros. 2. But I used copyrighted music and YouTube quickly forced me to delete it. So this is a "lost episode" of The Gaming Historian! You aren't missing much - the 2015 version of this video is much better. But the commentary is amusing. Check it out! 

Wednesday, June 1st

I can't believe it is June already. Today, Kristin & I sat down and finalized the Microsoft script! Then I waited...

....for nightfall! Fun fact: I like to record all of my narration at night. The house and neighborhood are usually pretty quiet, so I don't have to worry about noises and distractions.

And with that, the Microsoft video is off to get edited!

Thursday, June 2nd

I spent this morning cleaning up my narration footage and sending off assets to Luis, our new video editor. He's got it from here!

Today is a Super Mario Kart day, so I continued research on that video.

By the way, I also got some mail! I was able to find all the Nintendo Atari games boxed on eBay. These were purchased for the video coming out in July. 

Friday, June 3rd

More Super Mario Kart research! I also decided to record more footage. I streamed it all over on Twitch.  This game is way harder than I remember...

So far, I'm really enjoying the new work schedule and I think it will produce more frequent videos. 

Hope everyone has a great weekend! 

- Norm


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