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This was a nice experiment and my first completed comic to date! I really liked how it turn out at the end. I hope you guys liked it too.



Kenno Arkkan

How was the experience for you saiga? 👀


i loved it i hope to see more comics perhaps

El Pollero

fucking hell! look at her! the cover is amazing! i am, legit fanboying here for the wife! thanks for the comic Saiga! worth the wait!


Dem curves ... Bruuuuh

Straw Hat Sailor

SHE'S SO PRETTYYYYY. I wish I had a support milf like her 😔. Thanks for these!


thank you for the amazing content ^^


it was really good! just have to do a lot of preparation before even start drawing lol


Amazing comic, loved every page of it

Kenno Arkkan

glad you liked it! if this is your first time for realsies, you got a knack for it! the frame composition was always interesting and the path the eye should follow was super clear on every page. I hope to see more of them! there's a quality that stories told thru comics have that illustrations on their own dont have 😌

Elijah Guerrero

Sona got the mood and physique of the ultimate MILF