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Hello! New animation is the works! And I plan to do more than 1 loop this time. It will be a huge challenge, I would try to update you guys contantly.

I (everytime lol) like to change character designs in my own and this time is no exeption. The setting of this animation would be more houseclothes/casual in contrast of the universe where 2B and 9S come from.

First, I drew 2B in her original design to familiarize myself with her, my goal is to make then new design to look casual while not going too far away from the original. For 9S I already had a very clear image in my mind of what I wanted to do, so there's no much exploration in his design. For both of them i could not get rid of their blindfolds since is too iconic!




FML, can't wait for this, already looking amazing


Considering their personalities at the onset of the game, these outfits are appropriate. Great work.