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Hello guys! I'm want to talk about animation for a bit.

I know very well how much you guys likes animation and I've really enjoyed it too but there's a few things that I would like to hear from all of you.

While I feel that I'm getting better at animation, I can't ignore the fact that I'm still a newbie in animation. Its the quality good enough?

It took me about 1 month to make the Nico Robin animation which consisted in 3 loops (for a total of 2 min video) Probably I would get faster while time goes on, but if I want to make more lengthy or with more quality it would take the same or more time to do. It is the waiting time too long?

One of the reasons I haven't do more animations is audio. Adding audio is still something that I can't do, so It's audio in animations a must for you?

I look forward to your comments!



I know a few artists irl and none of them are animators because it's such a jump in skill and according to them can be quite tedious. So the fact that you're attempting it at all is a testament to your own work ethic and the type of content you're willing to produce for your fans. I say keep at it, and like you say, you'll only get better. As for audio, I don't think it's necessary, but like the mknster/demon farm comic showed, there's a large group of people willing to help out with audio after the fact. At some point, like maybe a special project or just when you're more comfortable with animation, you could try a short 30 second scene with full audio and animation.

Kenno Arkkan

i love everything you output my dude. I say you do you. and dont burn yourself out doing it.


For me I always liked your art and how your animation works looked great!


So I don't see any problem with doing your animations without audio cuz your art is something really precious ❤️