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/* ---------- Suggestion Box ---------- */

New month, new box! It's time again to throw any and all suggestions here!

  • Themes you wanna see
  • Characters/Rule 34 you wanna see
  • Transformation ideas
  • Anything! (except TOS stuff)

/* ---------- Goals ---------- */

Can you guys believe it's already May?? 2023 is almost HALFWAY THROUGH WTF

Anyway I wanna challenge myself and see if I can sketch something from this at least once a week. At the risk of running myself ragged xD Commissions will take prio over this BUT maybe I can do some warmup sketches with these? Really loose stuff! Idk we'll see~

Oh also, Apologies about being late for last month's monthly poll pic. I went a little too overboard and ended up making a whole ass comic page QwQ underestimated how much work it was but it should be posted later today~

/* ---------- Weekly Schedule ---------- */

This is my usual work schedule, but keep in mind I still have a job.

Monday: Work on TF Tuesday poll pic

Tuesday: Commissions or personal stuff, rollover for TF Tuesday

Wednesday: Commissions or personal stuff

Thursday: Flat Fuck Friday

Friday: Relax or personal stuff, rollover for Flat Fuck Friday

Saturday/Sunday: Monthly pic, commissions, personal stuff, and a bit of relaxing~

I think what I wanna do is shift everything back one day. That way the rollover day is the day before the picture is due! Mentally that might help. My ADHD meds have been helping a lot but they're not miracle pills and I have to work WITH the medicine and not expect it to turn me into a robot xD

It also tends to make me ramble like this post LOL

/* ---------- Wrap Up ---------- */

TLDR: New suggestion box! Wanna doodle something every week from it as a warmup. Also need to make some adjustments to my weekly schedule.

Anyway, have a wonderful day everyone! And thanks for the continued support, it really REALLY helps me out so much 💖🎈



I wanna see more toony stretching and squishes!! I’m always down to see more helluva / Hazbin characters >:D


Some random ideas: - Two characters wearing rubber suits of each other - Flattening out a boi and using him for origami - Disproportionate inflation? Like inflating a character's head but not the rest of them, or inflating their hands to be larger than the rest of their body? Just kinda a goofy silly idea - Turning a rubbery boi into a tire? Also, can I say that your April 18th TF Tuesday piece is one of my favorite pieces you've done ever? I absolutely ADORE mass tfs like that!


Here's some ideas: -Pooltoy-ification ray (before flattening) -A pooltoy vampire bat who's bite turns the victim into a pooltoy and sucks them flat. -A flattening press that turns the victim into hero costumes. -Rem as a wearable hero suit (and cape) or Rem wearing a hero/villain costume of an OC. -Workout 80s/90s dance singlet and accessories (leggings, sleeves, mat, headband) TF -TF into footwear (sandals, boots, flip-flops, sneakers/trainers, etc.)