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Hey all,

I wanted to pause October billing because of my health but it looks like they are already charging people. I reached out to support and they told me I did it too late even though I did it 9-30-21 around 8pm EST. I will wait to see what they say again but I apologize if you were charged for October.

I will just pause payments for November.

Again sorry about this, I know it was last minute but still thought I had time since it was still technically September where I live.

On some good news, I had to do a lot of errands today and it seems all that moving around has helped with the pain somehow. I was told walking actually is good for kidney stones and sitting/lying down is bad..? Also got some xrays done so I'll see the results on wednesday ^^

Take care everyone and have a nice weekend!


Robert Pendell

Weird. I got a pause notification from Patreon for you and didn't get charged. O.o

Alex Roche

Yeah I got a pause notification too, but to be honest I'd rather I didn't, and that you don't pause. I'd like to help out any way that I can. But I'm glad to hear you're doing a bit better. Perhaps movement helps to break up the stones, I've had a friend get ultrasonic treatment to break them down. Fingers crossed the x-ray results are good!


I can't speak for everyone but I'd rather you just do the charge as normal. The US health system is harsh at the best of times, at least let us help you out a little.


Oh really? Well now I'm all sorts of confused <.> I'll have to ask support what's going on.


Yeah I heard of the ultrasonic treatment but they don't do that here where I live. Their treatment is rather medieval xD


Also thank you for the well wishes and support ^^ (accidentally hit enter which posted my comment)


Aww I appreciate the sentiment, it means a lot <3 I still haven't gotten any bills - mostly worried about the emergency room one heh