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Hey everyone

I want to apologize for not being super active here this month. On saturday I had to get taken to the ER. I was experiencing the most excruciating pain of my life. The week leading up I was feeling what I thought was just an achy back. After some xrays and a ct scan they found a god damn kidney stone in me. When they compare the pain of a kidney stone to one of the worst things you can experience, they're not kidding. I've been in a car accident when I was a teen that blew open my kneecap but this 2mm kidney stone has been worse than that. They had to dope me up until I couldn't talk just so I could feel some relief because morphine didn't do shit.

It's been almost a week and I don't think it has passed yet. They gave a me a buncha pills and oxy to help with the pain, nausea, and other stuff. I really try to stay off the oxy until it becomes unbearable because I know how addictive they can be. They also only gave me a few so I'm trying to only use them in the evening so I can sleep. I'm tired all day and dizzy, so it's been hard to focus on things even my normal job.

Coincidentally I also started seeing a counselor/therapist this week completely unrelated. This is something I probably should have done forever ago, it was a lot to unload years of issues but I'm hopeful. I've only ever heard good thing about it. So it's been a lot going on for me personally. I'm usually just ignoring my medical issues because the health system here in the US sucks but this is something I couldn't just wait out.

I don't like to open up about my personal life online, but I think so much has been going on that I need to let you all know.

Thanks for stinking around ^^


Robert Pendell

Take care of yourself and get better soon. We will be waiting for you.

Alex Roche

Hope you pass it soon, can't imagine how you must feel. And I hope the therapy helps too! ^_^

Drakons Sephir

awww courage and good recovery to you I hope you'll be better


Get well soon!


Keep up your strength and your hope i promise anyone looking to get art from you isn't going to not commission you. Especially with your work being so dam awesome take your time recover and heal