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I've been gathering some of my older / pre-patreon audios to consider uploading them here so you'll have access to them on your Podcast feeds. I'm still trying to figure out the best way to do it, as well coming up with a tagging system so they'll be easily findable without making the exclusives more difficult to sift through. 

If you have any thoughts, let me know. I want to make it as seamless for you as possible.

Additionally, if there is an older audio you'd like in the feed right away, let me know. Some may take a bit extra time as I don't have all the original files, but I'm working on getting copies. 



The conjoined twin one, stirred and future cops first day are all really good ones. Thanks for doing this.


"It's not just the dark" is one of my favorites, I'd really like to have it on Patreon please <3