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I'm coming at you guys a little earlier than I have been this time, which I really like. I hate sliding into the end zone last-minute lately. I'm resigned to it happening in February, considering it's a short month, but hopefully I can keep this feeling going in March.

In lieu of advancing the story or doing more dialogue, I wanted to try and get rid of the majority of the bugs that everyone was having. My post last month brought a few new faces to my Discord, and together I and a few of my regular bugtesters have been running Cicada Springs through the wringer. 

Included in this post is a list of 30+ major bugs that have been squashed or important notes otherwise. I'll be breaking them down here, but for those who want specific citations (as well as looks at how changes were made) I may start doing this for every major "bug squashing" update.

Either way, onto the version notes.

(*) If your last save was in any of these maps, please save somewhere else before playing the newest version:

  • Alex/Charlie/Margot's Apartment
  • The Apartment Hall
  • Kendra/Clover's house

As always, it is recommended to start a new day as soon as possible so that any changes made to that event can be applied.


  • Various maps have had numerous changes made to them. Most of these changes have resulted in a new layout (see the listed maps above) and have been tested extensively for walkability and mobility. 
  • Apartment maps have had all volume stabilized. No more jumping from 90% volume in Charlie's Apartment back to 25% in the hall, only for your apartment to have 60%.
  • The work/nap/sleep function in bed has now been fixed, and hand-tested on every day. No more getting softlocked here.
  • Fixed "clipping" portrait overlay issue on 100+ dialogues
  • Charlie can actually get fat now (I know you're all very excited)
  • HUD can now cycle through all known characters in Notes, rather than getting stopping at an unknown character.


  • Aforementioned maps have been altered with, and I think they look great. There's still work to be done here as I try to make everything less boxy and feel more alive, with work on these as an example.
    ->see the attached .docx for photos if interested in specific addresses of tile set issues
  • Food from the Bobo's food truck now has a unique mechanic - in that the amount of weight it adds is now on a random variable from 1-5 each day.
    ->This was done to balance out Charlie's diet. In a future update, prices will be changed so that the balanced diet can be on a balanced budget too.
  • There is now a debug mode available for those who want to help me whip this thing into shape! You can either message me on Discord if you're interested in squashing some bugs! Or, if you'd rather just try and unlock it on your own, that's fine too - either way, please make sure to report any glitches or errors (or questions otherwise!) to me so that I can help as soon as possible. 

Next month's update will resume my earlier plans of re-integrating questlines for characters, assuming that I took care of most of the bugs that were getting in the way of people's fun. If you have any other questions or concerns, you are more than welcome to message me here on Patreon, or on Discord.

With a little more midnight oil to burn, here is your download link.

(*) v0.8.1.3 Patch Notes:

  • Despite earlier efforts to combat Clover being giftable, there was an instance of her "At Work" command that was running in parallel thanks to remnants of old builds floating around in the game's coding. This has been fixed as of this update, with a few added redundancies.
    -> There is now a "schedule" command for every character where this applicable. Anything that I don't catch SHOULD be caught by this as a sort of grease trap for old code. Any instances of characters being on or off the clock when they shouldn't be should be reported.,
  • A few minor tileset replacements (the bugsheet has been updated wherein these instances took place.)
  • A new temporary title card. A more fancy one will come, but I know I get tired of looking at the same thing all the time, I can't imagine how y'all feel after all these months.
  • Bobo's food truck prices have now been slashed to $10 to counterbalance the randomness of their effectiveness in adding weight to characters. Descriptions have been updated as well, from a flat "+5" to "+1~5"

(*) v0.8.1.4 Patch Notes:

There was a bug in where Clover could not be conversed with while on the clock. This has been patched.



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