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Hey kids - as I'm typing this out, there's a patch coming for the latest edition of Cicada Springs, v0.8.0.2 that should be ready shortly.

Game Development has become a large part of my page, starting with Coven of Calahree not long after my Patreon's inception. I've learned a lot over the course of the development side of things, seemingly more and more as I continue to tinker and play around with the UI that I use to make these things.

However, I'm only one guy. And I've got a few folks on the Discord server who help me out as much as they can, but that's them taking time out of their lives to help me playtest this game. I've been working on Cicada Springs for more than a year now, and thanks to all of the big shakeups and implementations that I've been trying to work in to get this thing where I feel like it needs to be, I've made an incredible amount of progress from v0.1 to v0.8.

And while I feel like I'm inching closer and closer, there's still the matter of me only being one person doing this between two jobs, whittling down my commission slate, family and personal life, et cetera.

Moving forward, one of my main goals this year is to finish Cicada Springs - the earlier the better. And in order to do that, I need a system wherein folks can easily report bugs and the like so that I can catch them, squash them, and make sure that I'm getting to them ASAP. I understand that not everyone wants to join another Discord server, which is why I'm fielding suggestions.

This past year has been challenging in ways both relating to this part of my life and not, but I'd really like to put my best foot forward when it comes to making this game a reality - I've been making strides on my own in relation to these big updates I've been doing lately, but any and all help is appreciated.

I hope that everyone is having a wonderful New Year's Eve, and here's hoping that 2024 will be the start of a great year for all of us.



There's the standard software dev suggestion - have you considered GitHub? Both issues and git for revision control and collaboration, assuming you're prepared to let people patch it for you?


Git is on my short list of ideas, but I have a few concerns about it. Obviously, Cicada Springs and its development are supposed to be a perk of the Patreon. And I'm not really aware of how I'd be able to keep it in-house while also allowing access to the source files like that. But more importantly, I do all of the work through RPGMaker MZ's UI - even manual script-writing. Even letting people who are way more talented than I am pop the hood might mess up something on my side of things, and could make things more of a headache in the long-run. The glitches that I and my team usually find are small and easily fixed - it's just a matter of finding and reporting them in a way that's reliable. Sort of like a ticket submission system.


yeah the github would work. I would contribute to pointing out the bugs. There is honestly too many to keep track of to do anything without a tool like that.


As far as pointing out the bugs go, that's mostly what the dedicated channel in the Discord is for. Popping the hood is a good idea, and I'm happy to let a few trusted folks take a shot at it, but I'm mostly looking for an alternative where people can drop a "Hey, this happened" with context so that I can fix it - I don't mind the workload, but the problem is that I'm not getting specifics as to what these bugs are so that I can fix them