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**12/31/23 - v0.8.0.2 -


  • Fixed an issue where Fridays could not pass into Saturdays or wait until Evening.
  • Minor scripting error with the Broken Stool's "closed" sign not going away.
  • Portraits for Clover, Margot, and Kendra overlapping when giving gifts on the clock.

As always, play on the most recent version of the game as possible with as "fresh" of a save file as possible. Carrying over from any version below v0.8.0.0 will result in instability, clipping, and event triggers that have been officially renumbered.

Hey kids, I hope that everyone had a fun and happy holiday season. This time of year can get busy for all of us, what with all the holidays back to back, and it can be a bit overwhelming. I hope you're taking the time to do some self-care while you can.

In the meantime, here's the latest update to Cicada Springs - v0.8.0.1.

Essentially, this is the other "half" of last month's update that ran a little late. I'll outline what's been added here, as well as what's planned to come next time.


  • Kendra and Margot's gift-giving trees have been rewritten so that they're not repeating the same placeholder dialogue.
  • Clover now accepts gifts. Her gift-giving dialogue was unfortunately lost between updates, so I had to rewrite hers from mostly scratch.
  • Charlie now accepts gifts - but only from the Bobo's cart.
    -> this is not a bug, it is by design.
  • All characters now have unique lines of dialogue depending on weight and item that you give them.
  • Tastes are being finalized, with triggers being drip-fed into conversations and responses to what characters like. Some (not all) entries should now be triggering in the "Notes" section. This is an ongoing process, but it is much more complete than it has been in the past.
  • Between these two updates there have been over 100+ (probably closer to 200+) lines of new dialogue that have been added specifically to the gift-giving area of the game.
  • Gift-Giving can now only be done when characters are off the clock. As the "timed" aspect of this game comes more to the forefront, this will impose a challenge on players and encourage them to get to know the habits of the characters around town. No more snacking on the job!


  • Tile sets have (once again) been adjusted.
    -> every time I make a copy of this game on my hard-drive, RPGMaker MZ has a roughly 50/50 shot of remembering  the proper placement and movement options that I've implemented in the previous version. This seems to have stopped mostly thanks to an update on the developers' part. Charlie's Apartment in particular was not walkable, and this has been tested and fixed on my end.
    -> Hopefully I don't have to make another copy of this game (lol)
  • Minor bug fixes have been addressed (see the updated bug sheet attached to the main download page)
  • The old update that I sent out was nearly a gigabyte due to an error on my part, wherein the file contained the previous version of the game that I had been building on. This has been fixed, and file sizes are back to normal.


  • Background music has now been finalized and standardized for various areas around town. This is still a little fragile, but music should no longer be cutting in and out when moving from map to map.
    -> There is now a "jukebox" feature in player character's apartments. You can choose from 3 different tracks that will play across the "apartment" maps.
  • The Bobo's Food Truck has now had their menus randomized day-to-day rather than set weekdays.

A full replay should not be necessary to implement these changes. Many of the scripts have been worked into the "New Day" Common Event, which triggers every time your character goes to bed for the evening. In order to implement these, simply play the updated version on your old compatible save file, and then pass time until the next in-game day.

  • I do recommend passing to the next in-game day before shopping at the Bobo's Food Truck for the first time on this update with an older save file, as not doing so is potentially game-breaking.

What's Next?

I've already begun tinkering with an updated form of the "Ask" feature, using Alex as a template. This feature will be (as it was intended to be originally) a way to snuff out more information on characters so as to better inform their tastes in food, their schedule, and who they may or may not have questlines with.

  • There are 5 "random" options that will change per day, with the last one being relative to the character in question's weight, at 4 weight stages for each character. Roughly, that's around 80 lines of dialogue per character being asked a question - so a total of 400 lines of dialogue once it's finished.
  • This will (likely) be the focus of the next update.
  • If you would like to suggest lines of dialogue (for the Ask, Gift, or Talk features) you are welcome to do so over in the Discord server that I've attached at the top of the Patreon page.

Without further adieu, here is your update.



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