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Hey kids - due to life (constantly) getting in the way, this month's update is running late.

Before I get to the apologies, I've gone ahead and updated the Sprite Sheet so that you guys have SOMETHING to show for your patronage on my higher-dollar tiers. Not only has the sprite sheet been unlocked for $5 tier folks, I've also updated it with the "secret ending" sprites.

This is the first time I've missed a monthly update deadline in the 3 years I've been making games, and I'm very, very embarrassed.

[Cicada Springs Sprite Sheet] 

This delay is thanks to me having to take more hours at my part-time job to combat with the increased fees on this platform, on top of a devastating break-up with my long-term partner of several years. I haven't had the time or energy needed to put into this part of my Patreon - but that's not an excuse for not delivering on the promises that I make to y'all.

I swear, I should have this update ready by next weekend, if not sooner. 

Again, I sincerely apologize for the delay. I try my hardest not to let you guys down, since you're the reason I'm able to do any of this in the first place. 

I feel like I say it a lot, but thank you all so much for being patient. And for reading my stories. And playing my games. And in general, just being really cool people.


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