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This update is a big one.

As far as pushing this thing toward what it's going to look like by the time I'm finished with it, this is probably the biggest update that I've done in a good, long while. It's been fun to pop the hood and get into the nitty-gritty of development again! 

There are still some big implementations to go down the road like the Inventory system, full questlines, and (of course) the endings. But as it is, this update's pretty huge!


Oh God, I'm tired.

Anyway, because y'all seem to respond well to these little tl;dr updates that I've been including in the bodies of these updates, here's what's changed!

QOL/Graphical Updates:

  • New UI updates! No more blocky orange!
  • Day/Night system has returned!
  • Custom assets and design!
    - I want to, eventually, replace all (or most) of the pre-existing graphics with
     my own sprites. Keep a lookout for that! For reference of my experience
     making assets for games, check the Stardew Fatty projects I've been involved
     in: RolyPoly Pam/Round Robin, Ice Cream Sandy, and Calorie Queen Caroline. 

Gameplay Updates:

  • Apartments and living quarters have been implemented!
    - this will be important as gift-giving parameters shift around and the game
     gets more story content. For now, they're empty, but explorable.
  • Phone to access menu
    - full menu access will eventually be limited outside of Developer Mode.  
  • Calendar to track days
    - day count will become important once the deadline is implemented. Trust me,
     you'll to keep track of in-game days down the line.
  • Notebook to keep track of the weights and things that your character learn about the characters
    - triggers haven't been implemented but will be as I write the questlines.

What's coming next, I already hear you asking. Instead of laying out exactly what I'm going to work on next month (because it's really whichever one gets finished first rather than going in order) here are some things that I have planned for future updates as we inch towards a more complete version of Cicada Springs:

  • Full questlines for characters with branching options and outcomes.
    - These will likely be drip-fed in, as doing them all at once will probably
     actually kill me liver-first.
  • More custom sprites and assets!
  • An inventory system that goes anywhere from 3 slots to 5 slots.
    - It really depends on what's more balanced without being too easy.
  • Characters gift-accepting parameters changing to off-the-clock only.
  • A 30-day limit to play (and thus, feed and fatten our friends to unlock endings)
  • (Hopefully) a collapsible menu tray. I like my spritework and all, but it eats up
    a lot of real estate on-screen.

After a long string of family struggles and "simple" updates, it's nice to be back in the saddle doing the hard work again. Here's hoping that you guys enjoy what I've been cooking up this month, and I can't wait for you to see what I've got in store down the line!




alright, that should do it! v0.7.0.1 is now live! And aside from the sign outside of the Broken Stool saying “closed” (it’s not, feel free to walk right in) everything should be good to go! Sorry about the trouble everyone!


How do you unlock developer mode?


Developer Mode is the version that I'm playing when I launch a test version of the game from the UI, so it wouldn't be something that gets unlocked. Accessibility to the menus will still be there (save, inventory, day count, etc) it's just to hide all of the unnecessary things that are currently clogging up the menu as it is now. In Coven of Calahree, all of these options did something to the game. But in Cicada Springs, there are no items to equip or weapons or the like, so it's just wasted space.