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In February, I made an announcement about some very important family matters that might keep me from the writer's room. In that time, I've done the best that I can to ensure that my work here is not affected to varying degrees of success.

But in ways that are both good and sad, these very important family matters are drawing to a close.

Over the next few days, I will almost certainly be away from my keyboard. Every story for this month has already been scheduled and double-checked. But on the off chance that a post is made without an accompanying .doc file, please simply leave a comment on it and I will get back to it as soon as possible. You will not be waiting longer than a day.

I've been saying it a lot these past few months, but I appreciate your understanding. All of this wouldn't be possible without you, my readers. In many cases, my friends. I'm a very lucky Bobo to have met so many great people in this weird little community we've all created, and your support means more to me than you'll ever know.

In due time, I'll be back to my good old happy self. But if I seem out of sorts, just know that I'm doing the best that I can.

Thank you all again, for everything.


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