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Hey everyone! The latest update to Cicada Springs is now available on Windows (and by tomorrow, Mac)

I will be upfront when I say that this update is a little barebones - I fixed a few bugs that had cropped up in the previous version and added the "Fat" stages to all of the characters. A few of the characters have all-new dialogue for the "Fat" stages, whereas the others use recycled dialogue for now.

With my ongoing family situation (that has only in the past week or so stabilized) I haven't had a lot of time to myself, let alone my work here. This should (hopefully) not continue, as things have gotten much more steady now that we have a(n unfortunately short) timeline and things have become more stable in my life and the lives of those that my recent family issues have affected.

I've started doing this with the past few updates, so I'm going to continue the trend here; next update, we're going to focus on these key areas:

- Dialogue Additions:
- More "personality" branches from PC that affect dialogue
- Differing "Ask" responses from other characters that branch depending on weight
- Unique dialogue for each stage (no recycled dialogue)
- Day-specific dialogue for certain events (ex: Clover w/ Kendra on Sunday)

- Cosmetic Additions:
- Resized sprites for more streamlined appearance

- Gameplay Additions:
- More varied NPC schedules
- Day Count variables (watch that Cutie Pie's customer!)

- Things I'm Tinkering With:
- Character randomly picking between provided dialogue options

Depending on how much time I have available, I might be able to squeeze in the "huge" sprites into the next update as well. But the above will be the priority for v0.5.1

Thank you all for your patience and understanding. I feel like I've been thanking you guys a lot for your patience and understanding during the development of this game - I really hope you all know how much I appreciate your continued support during what is quickly becoming one of the most difficult and stressful times of my life.

I couldn't do it without you.



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