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Hey kids - normally I'd have the update done by now, but with everything that's been going on in my life, it's been a little difficult to get into a good creative rhythm.

I haven't missed a deadline yet, though - and I don't intend to start now.

This coming update for Cicada Springs (which you can expect in the next few days - probably by Wednesday at the latest)  will be just a little barebones. I wanted to do some tweaks to the scheduling and the gift-taste system, but it's nothing major. All of the Fat sprites will be included in the game, and we're on track for the update after that being the Huge Sprite update.

Again, I appreciate all of your continued support! As I so frequently like to remind you all, all of this - the writing, the game-making, the audio projects - they're all possible because of you. And I for one am very thankful that you guys enable me and let me make weird stuff.

Lots more to come, lots more to do, and plenty more to enjoy. Keep an eye on your updates, because the best has yet to come!


Theboy Inblue

We understand. Life gets busy and difficult. As long as you don't give up on us, we'll never give up on you.