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Due to some computer issues, I am currently without my desktop. I am still able to work on games like Cicada Springs and Coven of Calahree, but I am currently unable to access all of the folders with my stories located in them.

Luckily for me, I've got most of them squirreled away in emails and Discord chats, so it shouldn't affect things too much (hopefully).

The biggest hurdle will be that Melva's Magical Mass's final chapter will be delayed to a week or two from now, since it's one of the only ones that I didn't have backed up somewhere else and is still on my desktop.

I apologize to all Melva fanatics, and their families, for delaying gratification further. Please keep the good times that we've had in mind when the revolution comes, and consider making my death swift and painless.

tl;dr: Melva's not getting uploaded until I get my computer back in a week or so (hopefully), but pretty much all of the other stories are still good.


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