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Life of Haley is one of my favorite stories to go back to. All of the characters have their own unique charm and stories to tell! A while ago I went back and did something for Haley's older sister, Tara. This time, we're dipping our toes into what the Life of Mackenzie might look like as she moves back home after breaking up with her no-good, fat-shaming husband Ryan!

The problem is that Mackenzie went from a slim, trim track star to... 

Woof. Well, she turned out to be a pretty big girl.

The joys of single motherhood and down home country wisdom ain't got nothin' on Mack's gut. Or appetite, for that matter...



Is there a .docx of Life of Haley?


there sure is! ...y'know, now. https://www.patreon.com/posts/life-of-haley-76896332