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First of all, I'm so sorry that this one has taken me so long. I really, really try to get these things out sooner than this! Uploading at the end of the month feels like such a cheat for y'all lol.

I'm gonna do my best to make sure that it doesn't happen again.

Now, onto the new features!

This one introduces Chapter 2, as well as some of the groundwork that will come into play in Chapter 3. Depending on where you go here, you'll pick up a few of the sideplots. Since you won't be able to do everything in one playthrough, I guess you could call this one a "cornerstone" chapter.

Next update will be much bigger - stomach/affinity/romance bars (I hope!) as well as a better HUD system. I might tweak the size of the portraits a bit when you're talking to the characters - something to give them a little more oomph and to fill up the screen better.

Before anyone asks - Weight will begin to make an appearance in Chapter 3. So starting in Chapter 3 is when Clover, Margot, Kendra, Alex, and Charlie will begin to show the effects of whatever you've been pumping them full of. 


As always, if you run into any bugs, put them here in the comments section below!


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