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[Windows Download]. 



You can download a program called 7-zip from the web it should unpack the file so you can use it.


Is Patreon being weird? The post from yesterday links back to this one from 10 months ago


No, this is correct! I update this page with the new links every month instead of making a new one. However, if you're not being taken to the correct download page, then that's an issue - if that's ever the case, let me know and I'll get right on it!


I think I've got some bugs, using the computer doesn't cycle you to the next day, if you use the computer too much it resets your money, and you can't do any opf the sepecial dialogue, the conversation just ends with their sprites stuck on the screen.


this is so glitchy it's insane. i can't sleep until afternoon anymore, let alone feed clover anything. she's working even when she's not at the cafe


I appreciate you pointing taking the time to point out bugs - I know it might be frustrating to play through them, but other than myself and a few generous folks on my Discord server, it's mostly just me playtesting these to see if they work. If you'd like to help out with that, you're more than welcome to join the discord server! So I found an instance on Fridays specifically where the event triggers were a little messed up, but every other day of the week I've been able to pass the time to the Evening successfully - since that's a game-breaking bug, I'll be releasing an emergency patch shortly. Clover's gift-giving should be fine, at least as of this most recent patch that I released on Friday. Assuming that you're playing that most recent version, Clover's gift-giving shouldn't be an issue - at least, looking at everything as it's scripted out. I'm not quite sure what you mean when you say "she's working even when she's not at the cafe" though - I haven't run into anything like that during any of the playtests. The game is still in development! For every big update that I do, catching these things beneath the cracks is just as important to the process.


I faced the exact bug as well, what he means is that when you talk to her outside of work hours she keeps saying" welcome to bean....etc"and doesn't accept gifts as if she is on work hours .


i also faced another bug is when you enter Kendra's house you cant move literally i cant do anything else than being at the doorstep , also is charlie not supposed to gain weight at all i was able of gifting her an unlimited number of gifts "that she likes" at the same day and the weight meter doesn't even move a tiny bit


I'll have to take a look at both of these - it's probably a crossed wire somewhere or a remnant of old scripts getting in the way of the new stuff. Maybe instead of doing the big dialogue update, I'll spend this month really cracking down on these bugs.


Should the special questlines be available? Each time I've tried to access them, it just resets like I've exited the conversation, and that's for anyone with a special dialogue option.


They're still out of commission at the moment - as noted on the version notes, they'll be the next focus once I'm confident that all (or at least, most) of the bugs have been taken care of.


do you have mac version?


Not yet, but I'll be able to go back to doing these soon hopefully. My macbook is kind of old and takes a while to do RPGMaker stuff. Shuffling the files around between devices isn't an issue, so once we get Cs to a more stable build I'll start porting on Mac again :)


No, bad Bobo, Esc should never insta kill a game window!! lol Gonna be playing the game a bit, looking promising so far :D


can someone help me with the game? i dont know how to get it from the mega file