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Hey kids, I'm here with another sneak peek of my new project, Cicada Springs. 

But this time... I have a proof of concept!

I've been toying around with the UI for like a week straight, and the first chapter is coming along SO very nicely! There's still a lot for me to learn (I'm always one Youtube Tutorial away from knowing almost exactly what I need to do lol) but I come bearing screenshots, talking points, and promises of what's to come!

There are captions for the images that are there, but I'll post them here too!

1 - Super cool title screen! I have so much more freedom with this UI than I did with RPGMaker MV, which means that I can change this around to my liking! This isn't the "final" graphic, but I like it! Also of note, the backgrounds are ALSO not final. But for placeholders, they're pretty great!

2 - Different Jobs do different things! Your player works from home, and different jobs will open up different avenues and pay at different rates! Certain routes and events will ONLY be available if you play as a certain job!

3 - The gender of your character matters! Listen, we're all somewhere on the Kinsey scale. And so are the girls of Cicada Springs! You'll be able to befriend whoever you want, but romance options will only be available with certain characters depending on what gender you play as!

4- Unlock character portraits in the gallery! By far my favorite feature so far. As you play through the game, you'll unlock character portraits for different moods at different sizes - you even get to keep the data after your playthrough is over!

5- Manage your time wisely! You don't have all day, you know! Every day you can go either Uptown or Downtown in the morning, and every evening you can do the same. Different things happen during different times of the day at the same locations, so make sure to get a good look around! 

6 - You're definitely not the only chubby chaser in town... Some girls will be much easier to fatten up than others! Others will definitely make the player work for it...

7 - Get to know the locals, and influence their eating habits! It's up to you to make these gals gorge! Play your cards right, and some of them can get very, very big. Every character (sans one) has at least one secret ending!

8 - Make sure to get a good look around! Cicada Springs is a quickly growing, sleepy southern town, but that doesn't mean that there's not always something to be doing! Random encounters, chance meet-ups, and little tidbits of information will do their best to find you!

If you think that this all looks cool and want to get in on the ground floor, make sure that you sign up for any tier $5 or higher on Patreon! I'll be dropping v0.1.0 ("Week One" of a planned 13) later this month!



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