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Hey kids - with all of this working on Coven of Calahree and my commission slate, not to mention a surprisingly busy June in my personal life, I'm gonna need some more time to work on the longrunner that will act as the monthly story after Mix and Match is over.

But, since I don't want to deny you guys that 2k and I don't want to steal something from later in the year, I'll be hosting one last bonus round for this game of mix and match. It won't be sitcom themed though - in fact, that's kind of why this post is here!

If you're so inclined, post some stuff that you'd like to see in this bonus round! Whether that be characters or prompts or (as I branched out into this last bonus round) just some off-the-wall stuff that's different from what I normally write!

I'll be poaching ideas from here and my Discord channel, and I'll have a poll up to vote before the week is out.


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