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Also, attached is a copy of the Bug Report Sheet we've been using to communicate our extermination techniques. There are still some listed there, but it'll give you an idea of how far we've come!

**EDIT2: 45 more bugs squashed with big thanks to T.Maximar. The Fight Club issues should be mitigated, because they've been stretched out over the course of the story rather than a singular map that spits you out depending on what chapter you're in.

**EDIT3: Attached is a hotpatch! Download the file (should be Map054) and copy/paste this into the data folder, overwriting the one that's there. That should fix the issue - what's happening is I put the event at the end of the staircase to "autorun" instead of "player touch". This should set it right :)

If you have started the epilogue, then the Dev Room and Dienro House will still spit you out in weird places, but if you haven't the Tower will tag you appropriately.

also, updated the bug report sheet attached!

**EDIT4: This is going to be the last patch this month - this one includes some cosmetic upgrades and writing changes to the opening crawl, as well as very many spell checks and a few other tweaks in the weaponry. 

I believe that I've fixed up the Dienro House, but if you're going to be playing specifically for those scenes, I recommend booting a save from Chapter 3 or before. What was causing us all to shuffle around was me not removing the tags from chapters after that, or adding ones in the case of the Epilogue. Chapters 1-4 are tagged correctly, but chapter 4 did not remove the chapter 3 tag.

There are still a few things that I need to do (like finish Belladonna's big speech at the end and a few characters need to be able to be spoken to in the epilogue) but we're very, very near to completion now. 

If you see a bug that isn't listed on the updated Bug Report Sheet (located in the attachments) then feel free to post it here - including what the bug affects, whether or not you imported a save file, and if you're playing the most recent version. The more bugs that you catch, the more we can squash before this game gets released.

As of v0.9.1.4, there have been almost 120 changes to the v0.9.1.0 version - and from there, 70+ more from the initially cobbled v0.9.0.0 version. So we're sitting at almost 200 improvements from this time last month! 

I definitely wouldn't have been able to do it without my team of bug catchers - but I super wouldn't have been able to do it without you guys. 

We are almost done, people!

Oh Christ alive it's almost done lol. 

This update has taken a lot out of me, I'm not gonna lie. Between patching all of the holes that came with two great big explosions one after the other and putting it all together again, I'm drained. Without my ever-supportive team of bugtesters, I don't think that I would have made it.

However! It's here! The last big update before the final one and it goes on sale!


I'll keep it short and sweet on this one - the epilogue is actually playable and you can get into the Dev Room and you can go to Dienro House and...

There's just a lot of stuff that's been moved around here. I think that y'all are gonna like it!

Please be advised that I have implemented a Disclaimer Check that will mess with the HUD. Save files created before that point will not display the main character on the HUD, but will display the side characters. The HUD is going to be funky unless you start a new playthrough... a few other things might be funky too, come to think of it. 

Save file transfers, beware!

As always, feel free to report bugs and issues that you run into. This is literally the best time to do it. The more bugs that I catch, the more bugs that I squash. And the more bugs that I squash, the better the final product is for everyone!

As a reminder, this is not the finished version! The only real thing missing as of now is a more polished (and satisfying) final speech with Calahree, Belladonna and Gabby.

When this puppy's ready to packaged out to the full version, I'll be contacting you all on how to get your free copy.





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