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(Incoming wall of text, but there's a tl;dr at the bottom!)

So! For those of you who may or may not know, I write a lot

It is not an exaggeration to say that, after this commission slate is finished (we're down to 3 stories that are all long-runners of 10k words or more) I will be sitting on enough published works to carry me through to September

Obviously, this only encompasses the written parts of my Patreon and doesn't at all encompass my game works like Coven of Calahree, Cicada Springs, the Buttercombe Academy project, so on and so forth. Nor does it encompass things that require involvement from y'all like the Mix & Match games.

The issue is not what to do with these projects, because if you've seen my whiteboard, you know that I have them all scheduled out meticulously. The purpose of writing so far in ahead is to ensure that I am able to keep my commitment to my patrons on any and all sites that I publish on, making sure that I am able to give you all 20,000 words a month (on average!) as well as provide a bit of cushion during times when life gets hectic or when other projects become too demanding. That, and I'm kind of a workaholic.

But at the same time, I get a lot of people who are curious about projects that I've been working on. If you're on the $3 Club over on Discord, you've probably seen me talking about projects that won't be released for quite some time! 

If I were to post some (definitely not all of them!) of these longer stories in advance to sites like the Earthbound Books itch.io page (plus maybe a payhip page or something else so that I could offer discounts for patrons) would that be something that y'all are interested in?

These stories would still, obviously, be posted to Patreon and Ko-Fi when they're slated to. This would in no way affect what you guys are already receiving. For those who aren't interested, or are perfectly contented in waiting, absolutely nothing would change. This is just a suggestion that was floated to me by readers and other creators, and I'm testing the waters here for y'all, because your opinions are really the only ones that matter in this situation.

At the end of the day, I'm only able to do this kind of thing because of your support, and your opinion and input are just as important as anything else in this process.


If I were to make a store page where you could purchase and read stories several months early in their completion, would you be interested?



I said maybe, leaning no but to clarify it’s more of a general issue I have with fetish content on itch.io than anything specific to you, and that’s vague descriptions of the fetish content. I’ve been burned too many times buying content where the characters end up at a weight far below what I’m looking for. I do understand you have to leave a little to the imagination to pull people in though. I guess what I’m saying is that since we’re already patrons and it would be behind a paywall if we could get some kind of detailed description or a sneak preview beyond what’s posted on itch.io to give a better idea of the contents I’d be more inclined to bite.


You know what, I think that's a great suggestion. If I decide to go this route, whenever a new story gets posted "for sale", I'll make sure to include... - appropriately labeled tags [WG/XWG/XXWG] - a "preview" of the first portion of the story - any other relevant information ...in a post for patrons announcing its addition to the store/page/proper term for what I'm doing.


I don't mind the wait, I'm mainly here cause of the gaaaames hahahah