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Yndyre: Extra-Wyde Vampyre [SSBBW/XWG] -

Bobo, what the hell. Halloween was last month. I swear to God with your nonsense.  

Yes, but these aren't like spooky, scary vampires. Okay they are. But they're based off of lore found in the expansive, and I do mean expansive, interactive over on Writing.com, Legends of Yndyre

Follow the tale of a newly inducted vampire who finds herself in something of a love rhombus - the Dark Mistress of the house likes her more than her other concubines, and those concubines are all about sabotaging this little upstart. What is she, younger than two hundred years old? How dare she think she can muscle in on their territory!  So what do they do? 

Come on. You know what they do.  


Nobody's gonna wanna fool around with a big gray lump of flesh when there are two sexy, Bram-Stoker-esque ladies laying all sexy-like on the bed, right?   


Office Fatty: the Big Belly Mystery - [SSBBWs] -

Okay, so maybe it's not exactly a mystery. Working at Gordge has a tendency to make people get a little chunky.

But dammit, Alice Gellar has been trying her hardest to not blow up into a weather balloon! She's been (ugh) dieting and everything! So why has she put on even more weight?! It's up to her friend Melissa to help her figure out the reason for this dietary treason and why her body absolutely refuses to do anything but keep getting chubbier!

Starring ladies from one of my favorite interactives, Office Fatty!

Makayla Makes it Big - [BBW/XWG] -

And old-school style weight gain story that's...

Well, okay, it's a little silly. But hey, that's my specialty.

Makayla is a lazy college undergrad who doesn't want to work. And then she works. But she gets really sick of that shit pretty quick. If only there were a way to avoid having to work and getting to be lazy and also never having to worry about her diet, ever again...


Jean Vandergriff gets the shit beaten out of her by a bunch of Fat Chicks from Buttercombe - [SSBBWS/NSFW/Violent]

Sometimes, you look at a story, and you think "I have no idea what's in that."

You don't have that problem here.

Written for a friend as a part of an art trade. All of the characters are adults. Come warily for the Buttercombe Academy connection, stay for the surprise Big Fat Hannah Hammond.

Yes it's canon, why do you ask?

Stardew Fatty: Penny and the Aerobics Class - [SSBBWs]

Hey, did you guys know that I wrote a mod for a Fat Caroline? No? Well "my" version of Caroline shows up here, along with chonky versions of all the Pelican Town housemoms.

Oh and Penny's pretty cool too, I guess. She's gotten really big after she's started "helping" Maru with her feeding machine, and desperately wants to try to shed some pounds. 

Surely something called an Aerobics class could help. They wouldn't just call it that for no reason if it...

Oh, it doesn't.

Welcome to Yeng Corp, from your Boss Ms. Black - [First Person POV, mild BBW]

A short narrative about none other than Piper Black welcoming you aboard to the newest Yeng branch opening up. She's going to be your team leader, and she has certain expectations of you...

Honestly, I'd really like to have this one read aloud by anyone willing. Will look into!

Alternate History: Cleopatra and the Asp - [SSBBW/XWG]

What if the Asp bite didn't kill Cleopatra? What if she survived? What if instead, it affected her brain chemistry? What if, perhaps motivated by loss and a change somewhere deep in her mind, she became a hedonistic glutton?

Honestly, this one is one of my absolute favorites.

Coven of Calahree - a new top-down weight gain RPG, starring the Witches Three (Gabby, Griselda, and Ginny Griomoire) as they serve their new patron deity, Calahree. Who may or may not gain power when mortals commit the atrocious sin of gluttony. There are six planned installments, and I'm SHOOTING for monthly updates, and $5 subscribers on Patreon will get a chance to play the chapters as they come out! Get in on the ground floor of my most ambitious project yet as you get behind the scenes looks at the game as I create it, with input to the plot, sidequests, character suggestions, and gameplay!

Watch the story come to life over on Patreon for just $5 a month! (That's only $2 more than what you're paying for early access and the other exclusive stories!)

Coven of Calahree is constantly being worked on between projects, and the fourth chapter may not be ready until mid to late March. Thank you for understanding!

These stories will be released starting November 2nd on a weekly basis!



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