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Hopefully fixed the softlocking issue in chapter 5 - I put in an "exit scene" command that should let you move around again. 

Added an exit from the grandmother's house, fixed a disappearing door - more to come in Chapter 7 later this month!

My dumb ass forgot to make it so that you could actually go into Granny's house again.

It's not a release if you don't have to have an emergency Day One patch!

It's finally here!

First thing's first, I would like to apologize. I already don't like making "technical" updates at all. If they weren't necessary, I wouldn't do them. But balancing the game and making small adjustments will take a lot of work off of me in the long run. But doing them twice back to back is something that I'm particularly upset about. In a perfect world, everything that's done here would have also been placed in the previous update. 

I appreciate everyone's understanding in how unprecedented deaths in the family can throw off schedules, and assure you that next month's update will be ALL story.

Now, onto the changes:

This one has a BIG weapons and armor change. This should make playing the game a bit easier in the early levels, as well as allow for a bit more customization. I'm going to do a few more changes here and there with what items you can equip to the playable characters, but that will wait until I'm satisfied with the stat changes.

A few new characters have been added - mostly ones that are holdovers from my $20 patrons. Both of them crop up in the Tavern. One will be made into a quest-giver and have unique dialogue with Alma, the other is... well, she's funny and I like her. 

Tora's bugginess SHOULD be fixed. If it's not, let me know. Because holy shit, this one is kind of what took so long to figure out. I need to get it fixed so that I can figure out how to script the epilogue in Chapter 7.

Stat adjustments continue - debuffed Alma so that Chapter 6 is a bit more fair. In a similar vein, there is now a functioning item shop where you can apply weapons to the characters. Don't try to put swords on any of the witches yet - that's addressed in an earlier point, but it's coming.

On top of that, a few more minor hitboxes and spriting issues were fixed. Some characters got new spritesheets with miniscule differences, but that are all on one page now (like Remi)

Remi and Kara's scenelets have been culled - the story no longer diverges depending on whether or not you rescued Remi in Chapter 2. Instead of a dramatic scene involving both of them, you can now interact with everyone at Granny's house (except for Kara in Chapter 3, who is still at the Tavern)

Similarly, in the interest of making that deadline that I was so gung-ho about, the cinematic intro for Chapter 7 isn't completed yet, but I figured you guys would much rather have the next version over a clip of a few seconds.

Now! NEXT UPDATE will be the start of Chapter 7. And what a fitting month for a time when a demon lady takes over the world.

[WIN] / [MAC]

As always, feel free to report any bugs here or in the changelog.


Mighty Halberd

Awesomesauce! Not sure if I asked, but can the bunny sidequest be played to completion yet? I didn't get to the final part implied by the fat bunny girls you have in the thumbnails on dA before chapter 6 ended on my last playthrough :V


Yup! If you've done the latest Bunny sidequest, you've done everything that's up so far. The payoff will be in the epilogue to Chapter 7 - how much you did (or didn't do) will affect how Bunny and her family wind up


So I think this has been there for a while now actually, but when you enter the temple in chapter 5 is replays the scene as to give Griselda food making it so you cant get the shards to give to the heiress (unless theres another way to get the shards that I cant find)


I.- The crystal quest is still broken. II.- Alma game breaking bug about the note is still here. III.- I'm missing something about the weapons and armor change? I don't see any change in them, maybe is a bug? IV.- Yep, Tora is fixed!!!! (/o3o)/ V.- the only change in Remi and Kara story is the text change in the note? VI.- There's still the game breaking bug about the last deliveries, that if you don't do them in a correct order (or maybe if you visit Griselda twice?) you are soft locked because Gabby never gets to talk to Lady Calahree about Rayah. VII.- So, the only in game right now is the new NPC in the tavern and the mention of the other NPC in the deluxe rooms? VIII.- I mean I have decrypted some of the new RPGMVP files about faces in the www folder (some names are really, really exciting) so I'm really excited for chapter 7! (/owo)/ I already played this version twice but if i find new bugs i will report them here, I'm sorry if my english is rough I'm not a native english speaker.


Thanks for the write-up! I'll see what I can do to help: For one and two, can I get a little more clarification? I'm not seeing anything that would cause a bug in the note for Chapter 5, or the Crystal Quest. If you describe what's happening, I might be able to narrow it down a bit faster :) The weapons and armor are available in the armorys and magic shop located around town and in the mountain village. They don't affect physical appearance, but just the stats and what moves certain characters can use. Happy to hear that Tora's fixed! The change in Remi and Kara's story, starting from Chapter 3 on should have been being able to interact with them in their Granny's house when applicable. However, I forgot to script it so that you could actually go inside the house during those chapters - let me fix that. Again, I might need a little more clarification on this one. I'm not sure where the issue would be, looking at the script for these events. The new NPCs are both in the tavern, and should be available from the start. You've got the woman in Private Room 4, and a fourth-wall observant character who frequents the Tavern. I'm happy to hear that you're excited for the new chapter!


The links to the game are still 6.2.0, rather than 6.2.1. I cannot access Grandma's house as per the 6.2.1 quick fix


That's weird - I checked the links out myself on a few different devices, and didn't run into the issue. But I've gone ahead and revised the link in the op - hopefully that helps!


Got a Bug here. I went into the grandmothers house in chapter 3 and went into the basement and the passed out remi and sprite were still there. I fought the sprite now I cant leave the house


in chapter 6 when i go to the side passage after the church where you can climb on top and go in the cave it says "we need to find the key" and then you cant ever exit the area, same thing also happens in grandmas house where you cant talk to the sister upstairs and are forever trapped in the house, so as of now im 100% softlocked and cant finish chapter 6


nevermind about being softlocked i found the key but it still applies to grandmas house in chapter 4 and 5 where youre 100% stuck there, i also dont know if in chapter 6 youre supposed to be able to go to the rooms in the inn because theres a hole in the way and if you buy the rusted key and try to return to the house the door is literally despawned


Well, I'm glad that your progression in Chapter 6 is still good! I'll release a hotfix later today so that I can fix the softlocking issue. Thanks for the write-up!


i'm stuck after going to the mountain and the owner of the inn saying two minutes. the music is still going, but I can't move, I've reloaded to try to fix it but that doesn't do anything


Hey there - sorry it's taken me a hot second to get back to you on this one. I'm not seeing anything in the script that should be causing a stall. You're talking to the woman in the orange bunny outfit, yeah?


I've been having the same bug that follows Alma's note; once you read the note and the dialogue that follows in Gabby's room - with Freya yelling about two minutes - the movement controls do not work. The music is running, you can use the menu, but both the arrow keys and mouse methods for movement do nothing for movement. Would a save file from before and after that help in finding the cause?


This is a weird one - I'm looking at the script and I'm not seeing anything that would disrupt movement. Let me parse through it a little more and I'll try to get to the bottom of this.


I am still encountering the softlock issue in Chapter 5 that Domenic and Alex reported. This is while running the latest build.


This is a really odd one. I'm not seeing anything that should cause this problem, and I thought for sure that the "exit event" command would work as a total failsafe. I'll have to keep working at this while I do Chapter 7 stuff. Sorry for the wait!


How do you actually use the command? I have gotten stuck in the softlock in Chapter 5 twice now despite reloading from a different save point.


That's a miscommunication on my part. The command is in the script, so on the developer and moving the characters end, not something that a player can do. I'm still taking a look at this script while I move the plot forward to see what's up.