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It's time again to start thinking about what you guys want to see for March! 

I want to hear your ideas - how long the stories should be, what they should be about, et cetera - so that I can shamelessly pick through them until I find my favorites!

I'll leave this up for a little bit, let people post, and then open up a poll proper once I feel like everyone's had a good bit to percolate on this!

Hope to hear from you all real soon!



In a small mountain town people begin to mysteriously fatten up. A young woman and self proclaimed “occult expert” decides it’s up to her to save her town from being confined to beds and mobility scooters. But will she solve this mystery before she too succumbs to it? Resurrecting this prompt from October


A girl that has constrained herself her whole life in every regard from her looks to her eating habits to even how she speaks so she can fit into society at large wakes up one morning to find that she is being completely ignored. Absolutely no matter what she does, breaking things, screaming, pinching people, walking around naked, nothing gets people's attention unless she directly addresses them herself, otherwise they just act as if nothing is happening and work around whatever disturbance she's caused. Now completely free from all consequences the girl who's lived with total restraint is about to go hogwild, emphasis on HOG. Would recommend a medium size, somewhere between 2000-2500 words.

Marko Sallmen

How about a grupp of nuns who see gluttony as a sin, but then ther a demon who tmps them with food and the give in to ther gluttony and the love it


Sort of a Jumanji meets Charlie and the Chocolate Factory meets Kink type deal: A board game, something like Jumanji, that summons food and wg themed trials instead of a jungle. Naturally, this game is being played by a group of four girls, probably in a college dorm. For added Chocolate Factory vibes, they are lured/chased by the game into a local non-chocolate factory, which warps into a chocolate factory over the course of the game. Or not. It'd be your story.


Second idea, which is unoriginal but could definitely be expanded upon with original elements: A gameshow where either the punishment or the reward, depending on how you'd write it, is gaining weight. Preferably in front of a live studio audience with a host who is a total prick, for maximum voyeurism.

Mighty Halberd

Main character wakes up to find themselves in a world where the average person weighs 300 pounds, with that number steadily climbing over the course of the day as reality continues to change if the story length allows for it?


I'm only around here for the game, but its cool you do this stories too! :D


This is getting a bit meta, but I'd love to see a story that sort of pokes fun at the genre cliches by undermining them, to the exasperation of the protagonist. Like, for example, a cheerleader tries to sabotage her rival by manipulating her into putting on some weight, but instead of being a disaster, it's treated as not a big deal by the rest of the team who end up really supportive. Or your typical story of a "normie" trying to bring down a "queen bee" type, only to have her efforts rebuffed and backfire, with the overall narrative showing that she's much more of a jerk than her target. Basically a mix of reality ensuing and a recognition that it isn't 1995 anymore. Other possible elements to play with might be the sheer amount of time it takes to see weight gain take effect.


I'm always down for a competition. Two girls start dating, neither knowing that the other is a feeder who has left a LOT of bloated exes behind. The story would be a back and forth between them, each one fattening the other and failing to stop themselves from being fattened. Obviously neither would be happy about gaining weight, and are only staying with the other due to their own pride. They think that they can come out on top of all of this, not realizing just how much they're gaining.