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We did it, kids! We made it all the way to the end of the game!

And for those of you who don't know what that means... it means that we're gonna have a big blow-out!

The process is really, really straightforward, okay?

You vote for ONE (normally I give three, but I'm working with a 3rd party site here) of the stories posted in one of the Mix & Match rounds (posted and revised below). They're organized by round (options 1-3 are Round 1, 4-6 are Round 2, etc).

The TOP 3 WINNERS will get 1000 word continuations.

The 4th AND 5th placers will get 500 word continuations.


I'm going to keep this open for a while (and keep a secondary record, just in case this one spazzes out like Round 4 did) and close it around the first week of February. 

Thank everyone again for playing, and here's hoping that this round will be the best one yet!


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