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 ※English notation is below.  







イラスト1枚目 「あ、いたいた~やっと着いたね~ 暑いから早く入っちゃいたいよ~」 ぬぎっ ぽよん♪ 

2~4 「にしても海って広いね~都会では絶対見れない景色だし~w」 

5、6 「って私の話聞いてる?も~どこみてんのさ~w」 ズイイっ(近づいてくる) 「ふふっ」 

7、8 「それにしてもさ~この水着ちっちゃくな~い?私のサイズ全然なくってさ~、俺クンのはちょうどいいの?」

 9枚目 「ほらね~パツパツでちょっと苦しいんだ~」 

10枚目 「…ってほらやっぱり………めっちゃ見てるじゃん♡」 

11枚目 「俺クンみたいな年頃の男子はみんなそうなの~? ヘンタ~イ♡ ふふっ♡ さっきはあんなに素っ気ない塩対応されて~私ら俺クンと10年来の幼なじみなんだから悲しかったんだよ~?」 「…まぁ…しょうがないか♡ すっかり静かになっちゃって~かわいい~♡」 

12枚目 「ふぅ…少し休憩しよっか♡」 しばらくした後… 「キャーっ虫がくっついたぁ~俺クン取って~私絶対触るのいやぁ~っ」 仕方なく素早く取ろうとしたところ… 

13枚目 「あっ♡♡♡」   ~Pixivのより具体的なプロローグ~  高校の行事でなくなりつつある臨海学舎に来て、いざ海岸に着くと多くの女子学生は羽織っていた上着を脱ぎ、スク水姿に転身する。


しかし今となってはどうだ。 高校性になっても彼女の成長は止まらない、特にどことは言わないが存在感がありありとあるあれだ。 


「ちょ…おまえな…」と振り払おうとしたところーーー 「でも、こういうのが好きなんだよね?♪」 と、耳元でささやかれてしまう。一瞬その言葉にドキッとしてしまい、固まってしまった。


「ふうーあぶなかった…」 と何とか危機を脱したが、その後の休憩時間にまた彼女が近づいてきて成長したスク水姿を目の前で見せつけてくるのであった…  

 Ps. 露出が多いわけでもないのに、隠し切れないボディラインからなるエロスが溜まりませんね。ムッチムチのダイナミックボディを目の前で見たら…想像せざるを得ませんね♡  

Below is an image situation story. Please enjoy the illustrations as well as the story.  

This is the story after the situation story that preceded the illustration in the Pixiv sample. The full text is at the bottom of the page, but for now, I'll give you a brief synopsis. 

 I came to a seaside schoolhouse for a high school event, and among the students in their scrubs, there was one JK who made her presence felt. It is a childhood friend who must have been smaller than other students in general in the past. Unlike in the past, she has a dynamic body that makes her presence so strong that it is hard to take your eyes off of her. This is the story of a childhood friend who came close to me in the midst of familiar surroundings, but once I removed her for later use, I found her during break time. 

 Illustration 1 Oh, there you are! It's so hot, I can't wait to get in there~" Nugi, Poyon♪ Illustration

 2-4 The ocean is so big~ You can never see it in the city~"

 5, 6 Are you listening to me? Where are you looking? "It's coming closer. "Hmmm..."

 Seven. Eight. "By the way, isn't this bathing suit too small? It's not my size at all, is mine just right for you?" 

9th. See, it's too tight and I'm in a bit of pain..." "See? 

The 10th one. I know you're looking at ......... so much♡"... The eleventh one. The eleventh one: "Is it like that for all boys my age? I'm so sad because we've known each other for 10 years and we've been friends since childhood. "...well...I guess it can't be helped ♡

 You've become totally quiet~ so cute~♡" 

The 12th one. "Hmm...let's take a break ♡♡" After a while... "Oh my god, there's a bug stuck on me~ take it off me~ I definitely don't want to touch it~" I had no choice but to quickly try to remove it... 

The thirteenth one. Oh ♡♡♡♡"   ~A more specific prologue on Pixiv  When we arrive at the beach, many of the girls take off their jackets and change into their school swimsuits. I was often teased because my childhood friend was always small in elementary school and was always in the front of the line in order of height, and I used to cover for her. But what about now? Even in high school, she has not stopped growing, and her presence, I won't say where in particular, is very obvious. She is currently the center of attention for adolescent boys, and they ask her, "Isn't your swimsuit too tight? Is it just right for me?" She approaches me and talks to me, not caring at all about the other eyes on her. When I tried to shake her off, she said, "Hey... you... But you like this kind of thing, don't you? Â" He whispers in my ear, "But you like it like this, don't you? For a moment, those words made me nervous and I froze. No wonder. It is because I can't take my eyes off such a figure with its body line emphasized in front of adolescent boys. However, it was not a good situation to be in such close proximity with other students and friends around, so I once again pushed him away toward the group of girls. I managed to escape the crisis. I managed to escape the crisis, but during the break time after that, she came close to me again and showed me her grown-up school swimsuit right in front of my eyes...   Ps. Although not very revealing, the eroticism that comes from a body line that cannot be hidden is hard to resist. I can't help but imagine what it would be like to see her dynamic body in front of my eyes... ♡♡♡♡



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