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What clothing variations would y’all like to see this month? I’m working on Scott Howl, Zoro, and Trevor Belmont and Alucard. so suggestions may be used on any of them depending on how well it fits the illustration.




While Harness + jockstrap is always a good combo for anyone, i would suggest a Mitsurugi (soulcalibur) costume for the samurai, Indiana Jones for Belmont and BeoWulf (skull girls) for the werewolf. Digimon costumes could be fun too (with Alucard being the blond angel thing and then I don't know enough about Digimon for the others but I'm sure there are some fun costumes)


OR an X-men theme (but that's just me) with Frost/Grey for the Castle Boys, Wolverine for the wolf boy and maybe Psylocke for Zoro ?


Hmm... for Zoro maybe glasses maybe suspenders, or more sunglasses and beach wear if he is a speedo, trunks type of guy. Smutty robes or kinda a mobster suit he sometimes have. Do like Trevor and Alucard hin kink gear harness, jockstrap both in colars. Maybe Leather jacket and biker theme? Or Priest performing a horny exorcism (womb tattoo?) Or gold chains and nipple piercings maybe for Zoro too?. For Scott hmm... wrestler outfit or him in a cheerleader to "cheer" on all those stiff boys in the showers. Being their personal watering hole too. Crop top and short shorts barely squeezing his bulge/ass the frat boy look? Or them cosplaying other fandom samuri, vamp/hunters or werewolves outfits? Know prob generic but hope helps with ideas sorry.


It was just random suggestions XD Nakedness is always the final goal XD