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Hi all! Im starting a poll for you guys to help me decide who to draw once a month. If you’ve got suggestions send them my way! I’ll be working on this in the meantime.

Thanks for joining my page! 



Fuckhands McGee

Oh man, you're already a treasure for working on this alone! As for suggestions, Perhaps Fjord from critical role? Not nearly enough nsfw art of him imo.

Napoiska Fanboy

Ah this idea looks so nice! I’ll look forward to it! I loved your art style so much from Twitter that I had to join Patreon to show my support and suggest my favorite character pairing, and that’s Napoleon and Iskandar ( Alexander) from Fate/Grand order! I feel like they would look amazing in your style! But I’m looking forward to anything you pump out for us :3


Thank you! I’ve added them to the poll. If there picked I have to watch all those fate shows while I work on it.