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Alrighty guys, who likes to see new art?  For your eyes only? ;) Well the second exclusive for the month comes to you from Steve Mattson, who liked the idea of shackled dark elf oracles... its nice to see the bad guys all captured right? 

So out of the two lovely ladies, which do you prefer?  Wyndal and her power over winds?  Or the fiery Valris? 




Really try to pick one to like most. Got Wyndal that just blows me away and then we got Valris is just simply overly hot. I will have to choose the one that easiest to catch and come back for the other later. :-)


Easier to catch, well that's a tough one! A lady who specializes in wind blades and invisibility, or someone who just wants to see the world burn XD


Can't believe I missed commenting on this! It's fantastic! The costumes pop so nicely in their colors. I love the lines and designs and little touches, how Valris has gone for armor-appearing clothes but Wyndal is fine just calling it a dress (aside from her collar and shoulders)! I love the "80's anime flair" that you've got in your outfits, and I've noticed that all the oracles tend towards the big shoulders supporting a cape, from Wyndal's open and flowing shoulders to Valris' armored and heavy ones, and I know I've seen Poldara and the other High Elf oracle whose name escapes me wearing similar. I'm guessing that it's a way to express elemental affinity, based on the "wind" and "fire" looks here. In-universe, is this a uniform for oracles, something that's part of High Fashion, or just something that they all came to on their own?


Im glad you like it, wow did it take long because of all those details!! I need to do one with the 4 oracles =) Oh yes the nature one is Fyyna, and I do try to give them all decorative collars and shoulder things... but one thing that does connect the oracle is they always have earrings that connect to their collars by chains or beads, so be on the look for that!