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Good morning friends and happy weekend!  Here is the finished art for David, of Laurel turning the tables on Raya from a previous commission ;) I hope to get a more censored version on DA soon! 




Very nice!


Thank you for doing the remake of the originals you did so long. "Your hair looks amazing." Laurel says as she finishes her sealing enchants on all the knots. "I going to kill you for this." Raya mumbled under her strict gag. "Sis. You know better than talk with your mouth full." Laurel giggles. "Oh, you don't mind be borrowing your beautiful expensive dress." Raya started to scream loader and struggle with anger. Then she could feel the ropes get tighter around her and the ball gag grow slightly larger. "You should stay perfectly still and quiet." Laurel seems pleased. "The spell I cast is something I been working on for five years and now it perfect. If you move, it will only get tighter and you speak, the gag will increase to three inches." "You going to pay so dearly for this." Raya thought as she calms down. "Isn't that better." Laurel smiles as she leans in close to her sister. "If you relax and stay still long enough, the knots may loosen enough in a few hours." "That should be easy. Besides maids will be her in the morning to clean the room." Raya thought staring at her sister in anger. "But don't want to make it too easy for you now." Laurel smiles as she brings her one hand around her back and snaps her fingers. The wand turns on to max setting and the nipple clamps started to tug, vibrate and shock Raya. "You cheating little bastard." Raya was already biting into her gag as it started to expand in her mouth. The ropes around her started to tighten around her. "At least the maids will be her in the morning." "I got to go. Your date will... Oppps my DATE will be waiting for me." Laurel laughs as she turns around to leave. That when she notices the sign, Panic now kicks in. Raya now knew that there would no one to save her in the morning. The gag was at max size now and little could be heard. "PLease sis. Please not like this." As Laurel was about to leave for the night, Laurel turns around and smiles. "Oh, one last thing. Blackberry and Sam will be dropping by tomorrow evening. I told them that you had a special surprise for them. And I think they going to love it too." Laurel leaves and locks the door and puts the key to the room under the mat. Raya wand was pushing her over the edge any minute when it turn complete off. "NO NO NO." Laurel knew how much Raya hate this kind of torment most of all but she had other problem to worry about.