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Poldara struggled to keep up with the demand for rough stone, as she works all day in heavy shackles... poor girl! 



Brett Tamahori

Cute outfit though, and will keep her from overheating.


"Work faster! Our soldiers need those raw materials to make their sharpening stones.." "What, so they can just go stab more elves? You really think that's gonna make make me want to work faster?" "Well if that doesn't, you know what us orcs like to say.." (Heavy sigh) "Where there's a whip, there's a way. Yeah, yeah all right!" (Grumbles, swings pick)


I imagine a nice summer climate in Runaria, of course that doesn't explain why Reed is always covered up


Assuming the orcs don't just hear "Slay the elves!" when their master tells them to go out and "Enslave the elves!" ... I mean, nobody ever said orcs were smart