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Well its all starting to come together for the wedding =3 Although I will change some of the colors, at least I got placeholders set in! 




It's really starting to come together. I'm looking forward to seeing the finished picture.


Gosh I know, I wanted to work on something last night but was stuck in bed for 3 hours with a headache :(


Ok I have to be the villain that will be sniping out him. Sorry dude.


Well if it's untested unproven home remedies you want, well here you go: mix a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar & a teaspoon of honey in an 8 oz glass of water and.....let me know how that crap tastes!


Ahh yes, the beverage that was known by the ancient Romans. No seriously, they called it "posca" and it was like, the equivalent of gatorade or soda pop back in those days! Look it up some time, I'm not kidding :D


Damn, and here I thought that it was an original recipe just to torture me when I was sick. I can't believe people willingly drank that stuff!