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Happy Monday everyone! Hope you all had a great July 4th =) 



Brett Tamahori

This is just as adorable an outfit as I hoped it would be from the sketch. Also just the overall concept of the paladin getting turned into a prisoner and probably used for all sorts of things is ... very fun.


Ya, I got that cute jail outfit down! I bet she isn't happy since she would deserve it least of all!

Brett Tamahori

Sadly for her, in this patreon, 'deserved it' doesn't often come into things much. I'm sure she'll get her revenge at some point.


Over the years I came to a conclusion. I think Laurel has a special deep powerful aura about her. Anyone woman that meets Laurel will only be driven to have her as theirs own slave and do what ever it takes to keep her. But for men, they driven to save the beautiful damsel even if it means dying to save her. What a power she has.


She must have the worst luck to be a skilled fighter and still get captured all the time... unless of course she likes it ;)