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Good weekend to you Lords and Ladies! For your viewing pleasure, Poldara the evil vampire queen setting sail on an elvish warboat, and her dark elf slaves securely chained to the decks, forced to row or they will feel the lash again ;) 




Oh, this came out epic! Love it! And a couple of your characters not often seen damsified -- very nice! =D




Oh wow, the colors REALLY make this pop! It goes without saying that I'm a fan, but I'll say it anyway: I'm a big fan of this one. It's always really nice to see Poldara in a dominant position. I love a captured elf queen very much, but turnabout is fair play and so seeing her get a chance on top is *excellent* and I very much approve. Her outfit is great too, I love the colors, the cut and the corset (oh hey, alliteration!), not to mention the gleeful look she has with that whip. And is it just me, or do her wings look a bit less delicate in this picture than they normally do? I like it, though. That's not a complaint! And adding to the delight at seeing a pair of rare damsels, completing the turnabout factor: what's better than a pair of dominant elf damsels? Seeing that same pair enslaved by one of their normal submissive targets, that's what! And that's not even going into the background. I love that night sky, the two moons is a nice touch, the color palette.. it's all VERY good. Thank you so much!


I've never seen poldara with her wings out like this. That's looks so cool. :)


And the way their heels are bolted to the boat, not to mention their HAIR is secured. Crazy good stuff all over! =D


I love the pose and the action, and colors! I might crop out the drow slaves and let Deviantart take a look! Shame to keep this one locked away lol


Oh Conan still so awesome they made a game where you couldn't leave the island without helping a chained up lady XD


I did one color before but I had dragonfly wings, maybe it changes at night? Could be a neat idea!


I like the current wings much better on her. It just seems to fit.


I think it's a nice choice, ill have to reuse the whole outfit in a future image!


I feel like some of the girls might get some wing jealousy sometimes.