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Hi all, working on more art like always! This is a WIP for Wyland with a nice booty smack lol




"What have we here, two deserters? UP WITH YAH! GET IN LINE!" "We're in luck, he thinks we're goblins too!" "Luck? Madame, what then are those chains for? Good heavens, and they've got other slaves marching with them!"


Dun dun dun dun ... dunnnn dun dun. Where there's a whip ... Epic reference! ;)


Poor Xelenda's having such a rough time since getting that outfit! It's delightful! For us, at least! ;D They both are so cute! And lovely! And that goblin is just sooo wrong! Well done! I am quite eager for the finished pic, my friend! :)


Ah yes the rough life of a Heavensystem girl in a cute outfit, thats like bad news! Oh I got your note and totally fixed it no worries ;)