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Happy Wednesday Lords and Ladies! Cherry loves her new prison uniform, and she thinks if she is a good girl she gets to keep it =3 

Rocky isnt so impressed! 




Rocky has that look asking if Cherry is serious.


Haha well these girls have to keep in shape some way, and Cherry totally is!


Looks like Rocky is about to smack Cherry with her pick! Were Cherry's horns always green? Another great pic.


Seems Cherry always in a great mood. That would scare me so much because we all know she just planning her next scam :-)


"These are so much cuter than the orange jumpsuits! Meow!" "Cherry, shut up."

Brett Tamahori

I mean they are very cute outfits, and one does need to look at the upside of things. I expect Rocky also wants to point out that they are succubi, and 'good girls' is not part of the job description, quite the opposite in fact.


Thats very true, I'm, guessing is in fact they were bad girls that got them into this mess!!

Brett Tamahori

Rocky: Do I look like a quitter to you? Do my wings and horns belong to somebody who's going to stop being bad just because of a little setback? (I'm not even going to try and match her accent)

Brett Tamahori

Also I just wanted to say that the Rocky Road "Red" picture is still, to this day, one of my favorite succubus pictures of all time.


That's a good one, I've come a long ways maybe I should redo a similar image, shes quite the sexy character for sure ;) inspired by Vamperella