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When the Succubi struck a deal with the Dark Elves to deliver them elf and angel slaves, they were betrayed and placed in Dark Iron to work themselves! Poor Rocky cant stop crying as they are shocked as they pull the ore carts!




Much fuss is made over how treacherous the dark elves are, when in fact they merely exploit loopholes in contracts that are perfectly legal and well within reason for them to use. The reputation is merely because everyone else is sore about it ;)


Not their fault no one includes a "don't enslave us" clause...


Love this pic. Slavers betrayed into slavery has always been a delightful theme. If I recall, the first pic I commissioned from you was that very thing. Aysis put on the auction block alongside her former prey, Laurel. This is such a pretty sketch and screams to be colored. xD


That's Aysis pulling along side Rocky? Hope they can pull hard enough to avoid whipping (or not). This just gives them time to think of tortures to inflict on their captors. I wouldn't mind seeing some female dark elf guards as Rocky's prisoners. Also gives you an excuse to make new characters (you can never have too many)!


Fine print indeed, well I guess that's what you get when dealing with slave traders!


I was thinking the same thing lol, love the motions, and yes I love the idea of being bad but then getting what is due!


Oh gosh I barely have the time to draw the ones I do have!! Then I forget I even have some... like Mint and Stawberries

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-25 04:02:38 Fair enough, but I do think a "revenge pic" involving Rocky & two pretty gaurds is called for :)
2021-02-18 20:46:44 Fair enough, but I do think a "revenge pic" involving Rocky & two pretty gaurds is called for :)

Fair enough, but I do think a "revenge pic" involving Rocky & two pretty gaurds is called for :)