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Ok here is one for the ladies ;)
So it's not just a succubus that needs seed to survive, angels do too! Laurel let Reed in on that bit of info on their wedding night. And thanks to a magic circle you can get around pesky human limitations XD
Happy Monday everyone!




So.. If that other machine was where mana potions come from, does this one provide health potion materials? Asking for a friend ;)

Anonymous (edited)

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2021-08-12 01:17:27 So these two, Ayala & Sergoth, Sam & Vaye, and I'm sure Vaye's mother...yeah it might not be the smartest thing to get married in your world. Might oughta try some common law marriage or friends with benefits!
2021-02-02 07:54:10 So these two, Ayala & Sergoth, Sam & Vaye, and I'm sure Vaye's mother...yeah it might not be the smartest thing to get married in your world. Might oughta try some common law marriage or friends with benefits!

So these two, Ayala & Sergoth, Sam & Vaye, and I'm sure Vaye's mother...yeah it might not be the smartest thing to get married in your world. Might oughta try some common law marriage or friends with benefits!


Actually Ayala is half elf, just happens to look like Sam because of the pointed ears, but ya celestials and devil must have some good bedroom stories lol


I've gotta admit, Reed looks good in that ballgag!