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Hello Lords and Ladies! Hope you all had an amazing Christmas! Thank you for all the warm wishes =) Well these two ladies spent the holidays cleaning, you cant just get a cute outfit and jewelry like this without working it off ;) 




"I told you they'd let us into the fancy holiday party!" "Cherry, you told them you were the Princess of Booze and that you'd have them arrested and beheaded for keeping you out, and then you knocked over the punch table." "So? It got us in, and we're still here!" "They're making us wash dishes until we've paid off the dry cleaning debt for Her Grand Highness' dresses!" "But they're also giving us a place to sleep!" "In the DUNGEON." "And they have a great gym!" "Cherry...those are torture devices." "I know! They're so FUN! I hope they put me on the stretchy one next time, my back needs a pop."


Cherry looks like she having so much fun washing dish. One sign everyone should notice, she up to no good.


Too bad its not this fun doing the dishes in real life... or any chore for that matter!